I'm stuck with a Health plan I can't get out


Well-Known Member
Medicare requires you to buy health insurance. They take the cost out of my SS check.They turn the billing over to insurance companies like Humana. Once you agree on a company you are stuck with them for a year unless you have less than a year to like. Big Drugs write the rules Lobbyist in DC wine, dine get the political leaders laid and they accept everything they say. That is the American Way.
Over the course of my life I paid well over 6 figures into this system. ALL THE BEAN COUNTERS ALL THE FOLKS THAT SIT UP AT NIGHT TRYING TO SCREW US. FUCKEM !


Well-Known Member
Oldfart said it all... FUCK'EM ! this system sucks and it's gonna get worse. Sorry I sorta sidetracked your thread, I think a lot of us have paid into a system that is broke. Pockets turned out broke. :/

BTW boil it all down and one acronym says it all, 'DC' .


Purple-Days said:
And back to my friend in Oregon who won't quit smoking, how mch does he deserve a heart transplant, compared to somebody else. Who gets the limited resources?
See, I don't understand how that could be. My friends girlfriend's mother has type one diabetes and failing kidneys, and can't get on a transplant list because she is a smoker.


Well-Known Member
Things are different state to state in the USA, Stoney.

The question is , who gets limited resources, and in this case we aren't talking money, but limited availability of compatible body parts. Who get the resources? My buddy who won't help himself get better, and has deliberately ruined his health (since the knowledge of cancer and other tobacco related problems) ? Your girlfriend's Mother with multiple complications who also exhibits self destructive behavior? Maybe I'm not so paranoid at all, huh? Maybe the limited resources go to the best qualified, but maybe, just maybe, those who can (still) pay for results get them... :peace: (good blessing to your girlfriend's mother)


Purple-Days said:
Libya, oh Libya, how does that national anthem go?
Something like this I guess? :shrug: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Saw9ThEC4

Purple-Days said:
Yeah, if I get sick I want to get some of the free Libya health care... What's the infant mortality rate there? 18 per 1000 vs. 8 per 1000 USA. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_infant_mortality_rate
Maternal mortality? 75 per 100,000 vs. USA 8 per 100,000... http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_mat_mor-health-maternal-mortality

Yes, lets talk about infant mortality https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/rankorder/2091rank.html

We seem pretty bad, go ask Japan, Canada, France, Italy, Denmark, The U.K., New Zealand, Hungary, Germany, or even Cuba how their infant mortality rates are compared to ours? Being #177 out of 223 isn't good enough for me, and it shouldn't be good enough for the "best country in the world" as many like to call the U.S. But that is all information from the CIA, what do they know anyway?

My main point is that the citizen's of Libya get to think of Health Care as a RIGHT not a PRIVILEGE. like most other industrialized and sane nations. But here in America owning a fucking gun is a right but health care? Nah fuck that. It's about priorities.

And yeah, Gaddafi just gave them health care to delay a revolt, that's not the point here that I am trying to make.

If you want to pay a insurance company go for it, the rest of us should have an actual option. A public one, otherwise lets just privatize everything, cops, fire fighters, streets, libraries, usps. Hell, we already do it with prisons. Good times. Right?

After all isn't this country about freedom and the freedom of choice? Looks like many of us in the U.S. have no choice.


Interesting, infant mortality is lower in countries where there is universal healthcare, it would seem. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Aesthyrian, it was meant as a take on Oh, Canada, didn't go over? Guess not.

"Looks like many of us in the U.S. have no choice."

:rolleyes: Later.... I am not defending the USA,USA, USA position, too bad. :peace:


Realy tough doesn't this express t opposition to each other's ideas? bet he and I could sit at a table with a beer or two and agree on lots of things. BUt we don't do that anymore. Do we?


One thing is for sure... rural doctors are scarce. I see that as more important than urban doctors... Do you ?


Actually here in Australia we have universal healthcare because we're all gay communists who hate freedom and Jesus and stuff.
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