i twitch



fucking unreal amount of frustration, i haven't kept count but its been at least 3 weeks of a continued eye twitch (only one eye), just when i think its gone BOOM the twitch just twitches back on. any helpful remedies? ive tried chilling out (lol), warm compress, taking break from tv/computer, extra hydration...limited or no success. i get them every once in a while but they always stick around for about a week, this one wants to leave a mark i guess.

Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker
I get them for days sometimes, I just eat a few bananas and drink more water.
Joel W.,
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vapor accessory addict
Often its a sign of fatigue or stress.

Unfortunately, I don't know of any way to reduce the time it takes for the twitch to go away. I get them too and it's so annoying. My last twitch was during my dad's death and lasted over a month. Then one day it was miraculously gone.

Hope yours is short lived.
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