I need a cheap Vaporizer

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Well-Known Member
Hello all. So I'm going to college in a few days and so I thought that now would be a particularly good time to buy a vaporizer, considering it would be great for letting me smoke in my dorm. Here's the thing though, most good Vaporizers seem to be very expensive and I just can't afford them. I have exactly $86 (the leftover on a prepaid card) to spend on a vape, this limits my options a lot.

Here is what I've been looking at:

Vaporgenie: I see this recommended a lot, but I have some issues with it, primarily in regards to the learning curve. Whatever I buy MUST be usable with groups, and thus this doesn't seem like a great choice.

Vapor Star: This looks to have the same learning curve issue that the Vaporgenie does, also I would need to buy a bong to use it with and that could add to the price a lot.

Magic Flight Launch Box: People seem to love this, the battery issue doesn't really bother me much as extra batteries are cheap, and I'd really like to get it but alas it is just barely out of price range. If any of you know where I can get one for slightly cheaper this could become a possibility.

Cheap Whip Vapes: Right now I'm leaning heavily towards getting one of these. My friend has a Vaporite and while I'm sure it's not as good as a more expensive Vaporizer, it's easy to use and gets the job done. My only real problems with it is that the temperature is finicky and that you don't seem to see any vapor when you use it (though you certainly feel it). E-bay looks like a great place to buy one of these, however I've seen a lot of panic about the possibility of getting one made with lead. One brand that people on this forum seem to think is reliable is Easy Vape, which I can get for around $60 ($70 with a grinder and scale included).

Any advice on what to do with my $86 would be greatly appreciated, if you know of anything that I haven't been looking at but should be, let me know. Also if you have any specific models in mind of cheap whip vapes, let me know. One request for responders though, don't tell me I should save up and buy a more expensive Vaporizer, I know that would be ideal, but I'm not going to have much money in college so I'd like to limit myself to buying something I can get with the money I have now.


Well-Known Member
Does that $84 for the LB include tax and shipping and any such extra charges? If so that's a definite possibility. A few concerns I have with the MFLB, the trench seems like it's super small and I don't want to have to repack it every single time it goes around a circle. Do the trenches last a decent amount of time? As far as group use goes beyond that issue, what are the other reasons that you think it might not be the best choice for a group?

I'm still leaning towards a whip vape, though now less so since the LB is in play. Does any one have any suggestions of specific models? Is the Easy Vape the one to go with? Can I go for the even cheaper ones without it being any worse? I've seen some as cheap as $38.
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