How often does thc percentage change with a strain?


Well-Known Member
I been wondering, and really curious about this. How often does thc percentage go up and down in a strain each grow? Does it really never move? The dispensaries don’t test regularly around me and maybe they just don’t every where I’m not sure. But can’t help but wonder how accurate the testing is plus making it even more difficult that it’s all thca not straight up thc due to state laws.

There are strains my dispensary has that has not been tested in over 2 years. I’ll just use blueberry kush as an example I believe it was tested back in 2014 at 16.75% so how likely is it that it’s the same now?
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
THC level changes per plant. Even different places on the plant can vary in THC/CBD levels.

I’ve bought GrapeApe at one cannabis store then bought the same strain at another store and the THC level is different on the package or jar. No one strain has a consistent THC level or any other like CBD. There are certain strains that run higher in THC levels is what I’ve read. There are other cannabinoids that add the flavor like the terpines. I like a strain that has a good vapor taste.

The Grape Ape I bought was from the same grower Artizen.
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Well-Known Member
Now the places I goto only test one time and that’s during state approval for a new strain and they keep trying to tel me it does not change if it does it’s not noticeable
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My caregiver tests the buds that they sell as flower and there is a range. i.e. 14-23%. Prior to this I think we were only seeing the maximum potency, which was very misleading, not that the way they are doing it now isn't either, but it at least gives us a middle of the road number that's likely more realistic.
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