hash decarb/ absortion into hard candy questions......

Hello everyone. Let me first just say, that this is one of the best and smartest MJ forums I have ever seen, and as someone who only vapes and consumes edibles, this is the right place for me. Now I have some questions about making some hard candies. There are a few methods out there, but I was thinking about using a tincture based recipe, as I have been making green /golden dragon for a while. I was primarily going to use 2gs of bubble hash and 3gs of bho reclaim, or possibly using a premade bud tincture and just dissolving the bubble and reclaim into the mix.

1.First of all, do I need to decarboxylate the bubble hash? If i end up dissolving the bubble into my green dragon, it boils above 170 F, it wont decarb at this temp, but a lot of people seem to think the bubble has already been decarbed in the pressing and curing. It is high quality bubble. :ko:

2. Do i even need to use a tincture for this? some people seem to think throwing the bubble directly into the
mix works just fine and it dissolves nicely when you are heating the mixture, or even when you add color/flavor at the end. I feel like the reclaim would work fine like this. I just worry about losing cannbinoids by reheating the tincture in the candy cooking process. also, the alcohol tincture would evaporate leaving the payload in the candy mix, are the cannabinoids efficiently extracted into the candy?

any help on this would be appreciated. :)


Vapor Sloth
Hash is not decarbed yet. Have you read any of BadKittySmiles' stuff yet? If not, I suggest you go check out her stickied thread over at Grass City in the edibles section. BadKat's CannaPharm is the title. She started to transcribe the thread here but didn't get to the glowing hash candy recipe yet I don't think.

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