Getting ill from medicating? Bacterias?


Many vapes & accessories. Always happy to help
Hi guys,

in the past few months I've been ill a lot of times. It's always the respiratory system.. a sensitivity on the pharynx, paranasal sinuses feel slightly swollen sometimes when I'm laying down - just after having medicated. Often I get a dry throat (I do always moisten my throat during medication) and have yellowish expectorate the next day coming from nose and/or bronchial tubes.. There's almost always a certain point in my trachea that feels hypersensitive or more likely like a tiny wound.. It does not really hurt when medicating but there's definitely some irritation and it starts you feel uncomfortable soon.

Well, not living in friendly state, I was asking myself, if that could be caused by not well cured / bad material? Could certain bacterias survive the vaping temps? I'm not talking about mold - but would a boveda pack help making the material safer?
Should I always go thru water?
having a kid in kindergarten got us a lot of infects. Been ill like never before... So it might be not (only) vape induced.

Thanks for your opinions - did a search before starting this thread but haven't found anything about this.

Love and peace

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