?? For those of you that do in-depth reviewss


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious here... usually speaking do you get the new models for free or is it usually a super sweet deal in exchange for an in-depth review? And what kind of discount would be needed to conside it a good deal?
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The more reputable reviewers say they buy most of the stuff retail just like anyone else. That way their experience with the product and the company will be closer to most users’ experiences and they won’t feel obligated to give a more positive review than is warranted.


Well-Known Member
The more reputable reviewers say they buy most of the stuff retail just like anyone else. That way their experience with the product and the company will be closer to most users’ experiences and they won’t feel obligated to give a more positive review than is warranted.

If that were the case, how do reviewers have units before everyone else? How many times have you heard in a review "this is a pre-release" item and your package may look different?

Flower of empathy

Sometimes to stupid to become a fool
Accessory Maker
To me it doesn't matter if the reviewer got it for free or not - but all reviews that never look inside the unit are worthless to me.
Imo free review units should be teared down new and after at least 100 hours of use.
There are to much bad examples of positive reviews of new vapes which turned out to be more than questionable to use :disgust:....


Well-Known Member
A couple of points if you please.
You don't know what you don't know till you know it.
Expectations can make you see so wide eyed that you miss some things at first.
Perspective can change with comparison.
Quality of meds and correct usage can make huge differences in reviewing.
and of course: Absence makes the fond grow harder. :rockon::myday:


Well-Known Member
A couple of points if you please.
You don't know what you don't know till you know it.
Expectations can make you see so wide eyed that you miss some things at first.
Perspective can change with comparison.
Quality of meds and correct usage can make huge differences in reviewing.
and of course: Absence makes the fond grow harder. :rockon::myday:
Some knowledge right here. Peace and love :)


If God is the answer, then the question is wrong
That is a less trustable review then... :brow:
When I hear 'The guys at XYZ were kind enough to send me...", then I take the review with a larger grain of salt. But I would never base my decision on one single reviewer anyway.

Agree with you but those reviewers aknowledging they got a free/discounted unit are still honest and worthed my trust

Unfortunately there are more vicious behaviours out there: manufacturer who give away free units and asks in exchange to help with sales and to tell on FC they pay full price for their units :disgust:
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Well-Known Member
If that were the case, how do reviewers have units before everyone else? How many times have you heard in a review "this is a pre-release" item and your package may look different?

I can only go by what they say themselves, but like I said most (not necessarily all) products reviewed by people whose reviews I trust are purchased retail just like the rest of us.

One exception to that is pre-production units which are often sent out to some reviewers who will generally let their audiences know the situation and treat this as a preview which may not be completely accurate but could help people interesting in pre-ordering. Would you preorder a vaporizer based only on the company’s own marketing information?

Once they’re released, if they were worth following up on, reviewers will often go and buy a retail unit for a real review.

There are situations where a reviewer is getting everything for free and basically just doing commercials, or where they have close relationships with one or more companies that make their reviews of those specific products a little more suspect, but trustworthy reviewers will usually tell you about things like that.

I’ve seen some pretty questionable reviews and reviewers out there, but the ones you see here or hear people talking about here are worth paying attention to. That includes several members who aren’t well known but whose reviews you can find here in various threads as well as on YouTube, etc.
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