Does Vaped Bud Weigh Less than Fresh Bud?

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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

First, I'd like to start by saying THANK YOU to everyone who helped me choose the Extreme for my next vape because, well, its amazing. The vapor Bros I was using before doesn't even compare to this baby.

Ok so I vape not very often but a couple times a week lately. I have saved I think about 5-8 grams of vaped bud in an altoids tin. However, when I weighed it today, it only came out to 2-3 grams of bud! So this is my question, does vaped bud weigh less cause there isn't as much THC and other cannabanoids in it? I would like to use this to cook with but since it is vaped I would need about 15-32 grams of it to get the potency I desire, as opposed to the 7 grams of fresh bud. I didn't think this would take very long but now I am not sure. Anyone tested this?



Well-Known Member
g124v17y said:
So this is my question, does vaped bud weigh less cause there isn't as much THC and other cannabanoids in it?

From my personal experience, I loose as much as half of the initial weight through vaporizing. Obviously this will vary depending on the quality of your bud, how dry it is, and at what temperature you are vaping.

If you havn't already, be sure to read vtac's awsome post on making Vape Weed Brownies:


Well-Known Member
Yes I have read it. It sounds perfect but 17 grams of vaped bud is like an ounce of bud before it is vaped. It will take me a while to get enough to make brownies with, so for now i think ill just stick to making old fashioned pot brownies. :);)


Well-Known Member
are you going to smoke the vaped weed? if not what do you have to lose by just saving it until you have enough AVB to make the brownies?


Well-Known Member
Yea of course im just gunna wait for it. I was just sayin like "oh cool in a couple weeks ill make brownies for free!" and its gunna be more like a month or 2 now :lol:. Anyways thanks guys.
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