Danksgiving: giving thanks


Be here now.
Accessory Maker
This had been one heck of a year. Spinal fusion surgery immediately before moving from the Bible belt to Washington state. From my hospital bed, I used the internet to buy and renovate a house in state I had never even visited.

While this year had been full of challenges and struggle, it has also been perhaps the most enlightening year of my life. Living with a new disability has forced me to become more patient with others and myself.

So this year, I'm really thankful for all the little things that make life a joy. And grateful to all the doctors and medical professionals who have made this good life possible for me. I can truly say that I am a MMJ success story, and I must thank the good citizens of Washington state for their hard work in the past to push forward with both medical and recreational marijuana legalization.


vapor accessory addict
What a nice post! And a great attitude. :)

It's funny how a disability can completely change, not only your physical life, but your outlook too. And sometimes, it can actually have a positive effect. :tup:

We all have so much to be thankful for. I hope everyone took the time, like you did, to think about the things that have made a difference in their lives and be thankful for them.
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