Counsel of Cannabis ...

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
i guess i'm wound up pretty tight when i first get to my desk in the morning, particularly if i had to skip my normal daily exercise routine ... i hate when it happens, but hey! i was on vacation Saturday - first day off work all year - i spent the day in bed being semi-delirious with H3N2 (best fit for the symptoms).

but even when properly aerobic'd and Bowflex'd, the morning wake-n-bake is just so damn nice. i can feel the stress drop to the floor.

even this morning (not able to exercise yet, damn), i was doing a manual work-related task (no brain, just hand-eye), and a task that i must get done today (it's that holiday season, don't cha know) that i was somewhat dreading (due to this and that, trivial stuff, actually) got totally resolved in my mind ... AND the solution is cheaper and faster that what i had planned to do, and damn HD is a happy boy (even if still somewhat flu-y).

Don Juan used to tell Carlos that Mescalito is an adviser, a guide ... i find that true for cannabis, in the way it frees my mind from the self-limiting stress.

i bet cannabis advises a lot of people ...


Oil Painter
Cannabis is my therapist.

I've been able to get to places in my psyche where I needed to, with the fear, suffering, and dread. Still some pain, but manageable.

Cannabis also allows me to slow down, observe more, and make better decisions/choices. It does counsel "slow down, think it through"...


vapor accessory addict
For me, it gets rid of the "clutter" in the brain. Gives me focus. I find I create better when mildly buzzed whether it be something artistic, cooking, writing....

Cannabis can also create "interest" in doing something I really don't want to do. Perhaps it just takes my mind off it, lol.
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