cops and vapes...

Whats up everyone,

I wanted to know if anyone knew the correct answer. If i get pulled over and the cop sees lets say the mighty, or pax in your car is that considered drug paraphernalia? Would you be arrested for it? I'm more asking if there was nothing in the chamber when found. I'm sure if it was packed when found i would be cuffed. Any input would be appreciated



Just so Dab HAppy!
Technically it is not paraphernalia if you can prove it can be used for legal herbs or tobacco and are not found with drugs. If you are found with drugs and it can be used for drugs it is paraphernalia. At least this is what I was told by a VA sherriff that took my shit this past October. I told him one of my 3 vaporizers was for tobacco only. He said show me proof that it can be used for tobacco only and you can keep it. He was being sincere and not a smartass. I looked him straight in the eye and said...damn, you got me.

Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker
In my legal state, Wa, I believe it needs to be out of the reach of the driver, as in the trunk or behind the back seat, loaded or not.
Joel W.,
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