Cleaning your nails - a new approach


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

Now I know I haven't been sharing so much around these parts lately. However, I recently discovered an epic way to clean your nails with a household item which some of you may already have - the humble espresso machine (MUST HAVE MILK STEAM ARM!).

Make sure your nail is fully cooled down to room temp (this is crucial, do not steam clean a hot nail!). Now take your nail and thoroughly steam out the dish with your steam wand. This will spray a lot of moisture around so make sure you have a rangehood fan or similar running. Moisture is the enemy of stored cannabis/extracts and you presumably have some of these if you have a nail to clean lol

I have spoken to the head honcho over at D-nail about whether this is a safe way to clean nails and he has clarified that it will work on both sapphire and SiC without damaging them. I have tried this on my quartz halo too, and it is the best way of cleaning quartz that I have tried yet!!! The floor of the dish went from half black with cooked on residue to clean as new in under a minute after a light 2 min swabbing with a qtip!

So basically, if you have a coffee machine with a steam wand, you are in luck for cleaning sapphire and quartz. For folks who do not torch quartz at all as a rule like myself, this is a massive time saver!

For folks who have sapphire inserts or halos, this is also a godsend. Much less thermal shock involved here than with a blowtorch (which will reliably break your beautiful sapphire!).

Also cleans SiC much faster than torching without the annoyance of waiting for heatup/cool down during and after cleaning respectively!

Hope this is helpful for you guys :D Happy dabbing!
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