CBD effects?? 3:1 CBD:THC


Well-Known Member
I'm new to having a high CBD strain ( 3:1 CBD : THC).

I thought my perception was off but confirmed today---- this seems to hit me in the head, literally, and hard.
CBD is billed as NOT having psychoactive properties BUT this 3:1 feels like a giant THC head high????

What's your experience with CBD and especially with a CBD/THC mixed variety??

It sure seems to kickass on pain and inflammation issues :)
I limped down to my vaping station with knee, ankle, and foot pain and it's 95% gone :)

Very nice addition and I might try adding a trace amount to my regular vaped varieties???

What's your experience??


Well-Known Member
I'm new to having a high CBD strain ( 3:1 CBD : THC).

I thought my perception was off but confirmed today---- this seems to hit me in the head, literally, and hard.
CBD is billed as NOT having psychoactive properties BUT this 3:1 feels like a giant THC head high????

What's your experience with CBD and especially with a CBD/THC mixed variety??

It sure seems to kickass on pain and inflammation issues :)
I limped down to my vaping station with knee, ankle, and foot pain and it's 95% gone :)

Very nice addition and I might try adding a trace amount to my regular vaped varieties???

What's your experience??

I grow and use cannatonic #4 for our cbd needs. We mostly use it to make oil for cannacaps. But now that I bought a press and a a rig to do dabs with, I have made rosin from c4. C4 has been tested at 15% cbd and .5% thc. And it doesn't yield much in buds or in oil from buds. I havn't tested the c4 rosin yet.

But the effects are great. As a dab I get a quick but fairly intense head buzz that doesn't last long. The pain and inflation effects seem to last 4-6+ hours. The taste as a dab has been described as sour cherries. I typically have a c4 dab early on a day that I plan to do lots of physical activities and expect pain. Or soon after I stop working.

I've mixed c4 rosin 50/50 with green crack rosin and with super silver haze rosin. The cbd does negatively effect the head buzz from these high thc hybrids. But it adds pain and inflammation effects to the buzz. So I get maybe a 75% thc buzz combined with the cbd effects. IMHO a fair trade off for medical effects. And the thc may subdue a lot of the pain on its own.

Medically in cannacaps we think a 50/50 cbd/thc works best for most things including epilepsy. I suspect that ratio best for mixing dabs as well, so thats how i mixed it, but idk.

I havn't read much on this but I seem to notice adding cbd to thc mixes makes the resulting buzz more pleasent. As in happy go lucky, and or more sociable. Kind of what I remember weed to be like in the 70's. More fun but a less intense buzz than today's soaring rocket ship rides.


Company Rep
Company Rep
I agree, 1:1 ratio seems to really work well. I've tried 15:1 ratios and it was useful for things like anxiety, but for good solid pain/inflammation relief I look at 1:1 for edibles, though for dabbing I am probably more in the 1:3. Its good to experiment!

Oh one really nice thing about having CBD isolate on hand, you can take those racy sativa strains that are a little too strong and turn them into some powerful/useful meds, take a bit of the edge off.

I have some Jacks Cleaner 2 concentrate that will put you on the surface of the moon if you dont take some CBD along with it.
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