Cannabutter technique


Well-Known Member
I have been using my ABV to make butter with some success, I guess. I use a double boiler and melt the butter in the top, add ABV, simmer and strain. Most recipes that I read, though, call for melting the butter in boiling water, straining, cooling and separating after 24 hours or so...Would any of the old hands know if there is an appreciable difference in the results from that technique...I have enough ABV for another batch and would like to "kick it up a notch" if possible..Thanks...


What's Your Function?
Mine is a two-step process. I melt the butter and add the ABV, then I put it in the fridge (ABV still inside) for 8-24 hours. I do this so the fat absorbs all the THC. The longer, the better. Then, I remelt the butter and strain it.


Well-Known Member
So the absorption continues through out the night.... ain't nothing going to waste there...Capital idea !!! Thanks


Well-Known Member
24 hours?! 8-24 hours? All I did with mine was just melt 1 stick of butter and I grinded up and put a eighth of mids and an eighth of ABV into it and let it chill there in the already melted butter for a half an hour. Then I took it out of the pot and put it into the fridge for a while, then I took out my Betty Crocker chocolate cookie mix put it in a bowl. I took my butter out and let it get to room temperature then put it in the chocolate mix with 1 egg then I stirred and stirred and stirred till my arm almost broke then I used my other arm. Then I just made made the cookies like the package instructed. In the end I had 13 cookies and enjoyed the hell out of them :D. Eating 3 got me almost too stoned which plateaued for like 6 hours so yeah very very enjoyable. ;)
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