cannabis genetics


Ancient and opiniated inhaler

This is pretty interesting - not so easy to follow the details unless you happen to work in some related field but pretty interesting discussion if you can wade through it.

Here's a gem:
This observation suggests that C. sativa and C. indica may represent distinguishable pools of genetic diversity [1] but that breeding has resulted in considerable admixture between the two. While there appears to be a genetic basis for the reported ancestry of many marijuana strains, in some cases the assignment of ancestry strongly disagrees with our genotype data. For example we found that Jamaican Lambs Bread (100% reported C. sativa) was nearly identical (IBS = 0.98) to a reported 100% C. indica strain from Afghanistan. Sample mix-up cannot be excluded as a potential reason for these discrepancies, but a similar level of misclassification was found in strains obtained from Dutch coffee shops based on chemical composition [10].

They don't say a lot about how strains were verified but it looks like there may be some interesting uncertainties in what might have you believe about the breed you think you're vaping.
Ain't science grand.
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