Bought a Stori cannabis storage box - a review while I'm high.


Well-Known Member
bought an overpriced marijuana storage box
It's pretty nice.
I'm writing this while semi-high on some Sour Dub.

I wanted a box to store my Herbage in. I Googled looking for something "nice" and was flabergasted at the prices what was coming up. $279 for a 6 strain Cannador, same for the Apothecarry. Some were $500+. My lady gave me the thumbs up to buy a storage box, but she said if I wanted it on display it had to be something that wouldn't make me look like a teenage stoner. Fair enough. I tend to like shiny shit, or nice looking wooden shit.

I somehow stumbled upon Stori, the description I read made me chuckle, it said "made from premium ABS plastic" While ABS is technically "nice" for plastic, I really don't consider any plastic to be premium, but that's just me. And at $189 it's definitely not cheap, but it was still a whole lot cheaper than the Cannador or other premium wood ones. Everything I found on Google that was on the cheaper side wouldn't have passed her display criteria.

And while she didn't give me a budget here, I knew if I dropped $300+ on something there's a chance I'd have gotten slapped lol. And I found a 15% coupon, so I almost was a smart shopper here. Doubt she'll agree when she finds out how much I spent, oh well. She's also not gona be super stoked when I tell her even tho I have 7g I need to buy 3 more strains so I can have something different in all 6 jars lol.

It's hard to compare it to the wooden boxes, kinda apples to oranges, as this is plastic, but the containers inside are aluminum and feel nice. And it doesn't feel cheap and when fully loaded nothing rattles around. Ironically, the box it comes in would make a decent stash box. I really love how the Cannador's look, but this looks nice too, but each is meant for a different crowd. This has a hipster vibe to it, wooden boxes are more classic and elegant.

So while I think it's a bit overpriced, I did buy one, so I can't complain too much about the $$$. And I must say even with the price being too gotdaamhigh I'm glad I bought it. It comes with 6 food grade aluminum jars that can each hold 7g of flower. And 6 metal tubes that should make a good storage space for the Airvape dosing caps that are coming out soon *fingers crossed*

This might be on the smaller end for some of the big dogs out there, but for me 1.5oz of flower + whatever I put in the tubes is far more than I possibly need. The lids are color coded which is supposed to help you know what's what. In theory that sounds good, but I'm not going to remember different colors for 6 different strains lol. They include a dry erase white marker so you can write shit on the top. But the lids are kinda small and the size of the pens tip makes it hard to fit much legible writing on them.

They're also child proof and have holders in the top for the smallest Boveda packs. I ordered 7 only to find out S isn't the smallest and now I need to go find the extra small ones - BOOO! Oh and they're smell proof, I tested on my woman who smell's everything, and she detected nothing. I don't care about if I can smell the herb or not, but for some people this is something they look for.

It also has a small cubby for storing shit. An Airvape Legacy Pro just barely fits in there if you angle it, or without the tip fits up and down. My Marley Natural grinder doesn't fit with the ALP in it. So I had to buy a Flower Mill Mini. BOOM both fit + my tiny lil' Doze scoop I got off Etsy. There's not much room, but you can fit a smaller vaporizer + small grinder + extra battery if you needed. Once I get this fully loaded with herb I'll be set for a long time.

The lid doubles as a rolling tray, so they say. Wouldn't any flat surface technically double as a rolling tray? It does have a curved lip so nothing will easily fall off.

Any box can be used to store your herb, this one looks like it could be a router or some sort of smart home device to me. Nobody will ever come over and look at it and think it's full of Marijuana and smoking gear. I really wanted a wooden one, but ended up thinking this does look pretty nice. And it can store over 2oz of herb, which is a shit-ton for me. Stori also has a free web app that you can use to catalog what's your stash and keep track of when you bought it and how much you paid. It's free and you don't need to own this to use it, but it ties in nicely with the box. All my herb is neatly organized in the app. If you like to be organized, the app's worth checking out IMHO.

Yes, long post just for a damn box, I was high when I started writing it and I'm still a little buzzed. In conclusion, I like it and it should be cheaper. Here are a few pics the open container has about 4g of flower in it.

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