Aromed v.4 only 235°C

Hi there,

I've recently bought an Aromed vaporizer. It is my first vaporizer. I use it to stop smoking cigarettes and to vape other, superior herbs.

When trying out different temperatures I noticed that the Aromed was limited to 235°C. I didn't watch out for this when doing my preemptive research before buying a vaporizer. I was looking for a stationary vaporizer with good reliability and highest quality end product. I was pretty much tied to Volcano, Airizer and Aromed. I read that Aromed was even reimbursed by some European health insurances and has good reputation among Medical Doctors. So I decided to spend the 350€ and go with it.

My question is: When vaping Cannabis sativa/indica, do 260°C heating (e.g. Airizer) deliver any additional clean vapors when compared to the 235°C that the Aromed delivers?

I just know that querticin is boiling at 250°C, but I do not know any other ingredients that vape above 235°C.

The Aromed kicks ass IMHO, I was just a bit surprised that it does not deliver the same heating range as other high-end vaporizers. Of course, I wondered whether this was a downside of the Aromed.

Nevertheless, It makes me freakin stoned and can deliver the nicotine I crave when I get nervous. I did not smoke a thing since I have this machine. Furthermore, it gave me the possibility to use the herb as a pain killer (lumbar disc protrusion) and I stopped taking analgestic chemicals. I noticed that the higher the vape temperature, the better the pain killer effect. Therefore, I wonder if 260°C vaporizing presents any advantages over 235°C.

Thanks for replies in advance!
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