electric nectar collector

  1. I

    ISPURE daabPen - Your Dabbing Experience On The GO!

    Welcome to the revolution of portable dabbing with ISPURE daabPen. Where innovation meets on the go convenience for the cleanest hits every time. Here's why daabPen stands out: 1.Lightweight sleek Handheld Rig. Experience the perfect hit with our discreet and portable device that ensures...
  2. iloveCBD

    Burj Electric Nectar Collector For Only $50 by King Palm

    The Burj by King Palm is a nectar collector-style pen vaporizer for $50 that features a glass bubbler/ vapor path and quartz coil. The Burj is pocket-sized, so you can take it with you anywhere to enjoy any of your favorite types of concentrates. Other features of the Burj include...
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