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  1. N

    First Vaporizer for chronic pain patient

    Ouh okay, I see, nice. It's in the race again. I only realized now, there are two TM websites. The .com version (same link just different domain ext.) still says it's out of stock, thats why I thought it is. It's my primary consideration rn Oh yes, I forgot that - thats a plus for TM and LP...
  2. N

    First Vaporizer for chronic pain patient

    First of all I want to thank every single one of you for answering and helping me out. Sorry it took me some time to get through your informative answers. First of all the TinyMight - its not availible, not in stock, and from what info I gathert it wont be availible for a while :/ I didnt know...
  3. N

    First Vaporizer for chronic pain patient

    I have an automimmune disorder, resulting in severe chronic pain, which often leaves me unable to do anything. Although I have not yet received a medical herb license (its a rather complex lenghty process in my country) I do get some "leftovers" from another pain patient I happen to know...
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