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  1. C

    Did I just experience a panic attack?

    I did hit the vape consistently this week-end, and I'm fairly new to cannabis. Recipe for success... :lol:
  2. C

    Did I just experience a panic attack?

    Thanks :)
  3. C

    Did I just experience a panic attack?

    My thoughts as well. Addendum: I quit taking Celexa (10mg dose, the minimum... basically) a few days ago, so perhaps these are some discontinuation symptoms. Dunno...
  4. C

    Did I just experience a panic attack?

    I didn't think to associate these symptoms with anything else because this never happens to me... Everyone gets the odd arrhythmia, so I'm not really worried about that. It's mostly the temporary tremors/shakes while standing and the cold feet/hands that made me think "ah crap, panic attack?"...
  5. C

    Did I just experience a panic attack?

    Hello again, fellas. So yesterday was a particularly odd day for me... I may have hit the vape a little hard and a series of things happened that I wanted to check with some of you. When going to bed (maybe an hour or two after my last hits), I got some muscle shakes that were nearly...
  6. C

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Thank you, J.R.R.Tokin' and moodswing. I'll check the FAQ along with any other information that gets posted in here. ;)
  7. C

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Hey everyone, wonderful community you've got here... :) I got myself an Extreme Q vaporizer and I have a few questions, hopefully not too difficult to answer. 1a When using it, how much of the herb do you put in? I generally only go half-way... 1b How fine does the grind have to be? Can it...
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