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  1. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Ok, so I've received the box and had a chance to give it a few test trenches :) First impressions are very good, however: 1. When hitting natively, I find the actual wood itself gets very hot around where I put my top lip (above the draw hole) 2. If the box is in your pocket with herb in...
  2. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Sounds good :) Hard to know how fast to draw, but I guess that'll come with time and practice :)
  3. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Well, gave it a crack last night and it certainly got me up there, no complaints in that department! I did end up with a fair few black bits, but I assume the reports of an early break in period are true as I'm sure I wasn't holding the battery in for as long as JDS does in his video yet it...
  4. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Well, my box just arrived from Amazon :) Has the click lock lid and serial number, so all good! Unfortunately I'm at work so can't try it out though :D
  5. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    It occurred with both unfortunately. Anyway, never mind.
  6. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I used Opera on Android for a while and found it just terrible with mobile versions of sites (gmail for example. It'd always display a horrible formatted version). I tried fixing it for a while and lodged a bug report but soon gave up on it altogether. Lots of people were having the same...
  7. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Nope, as you have to physically press the button on the end to supply power. On a weird note, I tend to access this forum through my Android phone via Dolphin HD. For some reason, this forum makes that browser chew up 50% CPU :) Only happens on that browser as far as I can tell (which is...
  8. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    They replied to my follow up email and it's on its way now, all good :)
  9. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Still nothing unfortunately, so I've just shot them an email. Probably just busy, but still.
  10. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hmm, well I ordered a PA and some other stuff from Magic-Flight back on the 25th, and aside from the initial auto generated order confirmation email I haven't heard a peep since :( Not a great start...
  11. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Right, that makes sense, thanks. So it's basically a great way of removing the fear of combustion, as it'll never reach the required combustion temps (assuming the dial is set correctly). You can then take leisurely hits knowing that constant vapour will be produced at a safe temp...
  12. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hi all, I've read through Vapourpedia but just wanted to double double check here before I lay down the dollars ;) So, when drawing on the box with a battery, you use your breath to regulate the heat/flow, fine. Am I correct in assuming that when using the PA, none of that is necessary...
  13. H

    Storing herbs for Vaping

    Fair enough, thanks. So basically just follow best practice as usual and then worry about drying the herb further if necessary when it comes time to use it. Thanks :)
  14. H

    Storing herbs for Vaping

    Hi all, Never used a Vape before but have a MFLB on the way. Usually it's recommended to store your herbs in an airtight container to retain the freshness and stop it drying out too much, however with the LB you actually want it a little dry in order to achieve a finer grind, right? With that...
  15. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Can you only buy the PA directly from the Magic Flight website, or do other sites sell it as well? Looking to get one to Australia in the cheapest manner possible :)
  16. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Cheers ;);)
  17. H

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Sup fellas, quick question if that's OK? Ordered the LB the other day and just waiting for delivery. As I live in a 240v country, is the included charger multi voltage? I'll obviously need an adapter for the plug, but I have plenty of those :) Also I'm sure I read that you couldn't use a...
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