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  1. Fly by Night

    Herb Grinders

    I'll admit that I do not own a Space Case, but I have a friend who swears by his. Almost every grinder that I see in person is no-name, from a gas station or ebay(etc). In comparison, my friend's Space Case is superior to every other grinder I have handled. I suggested that OP purchase a Space...
  2. Fly by Night

    Herb Grinders

    With a 4 piece grinder, one can simply flip the grinder upside down to grind the herb finer. I completely agree, Space Case is quality and pretty much indestructible. Look at it like an investment, a Space Case will last a lifetime
  3. Fly by Night

    results switchng from ABV to buds not great

    I find that decarbing before cooking makes for a more complete extraction. While heat causes decarboxylation, heat also acts as the catalyst for the psychoactive compounds to bind to whatever solvent is used. The THC and other compounds have to be decarbed first to effectively merge with the...
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