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  1. D

    Herborizer corner

    i keep falling in love with this vape. i put in a .13 and turned the temp to 800 last night and let me tell you i was suprised at the flavor, its still incredible and the effect is beyond amazing its even more intense that shit put my ass to sleep on the first bowl. im whitewalling my bong with...
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    Herborizer corner

    Hot damn @emily that thing looks like a beast right there. How does she rip ? I had an idea myself about putting glass balls in. I dropped my injector ever so slightly and im noticing a bigger drop in temp due to more cool air coming in before hitting the injector so I decided to keep the...
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    The Plug-In Supreme Vaporizer

    That speaks Volumes for me, ill definitely have to get this bad boy one day. might have to sell some vapes lol appreciate the feedback man. will it fit the herborizer stand ?
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    The Plug-In Supreme Vaporizer

    @Vaped2Space Appreciate the response brotha what do you find yourself reaching for more often ?
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    The Plug-In Supreme Vaporizer

    Just curious i was thinking about maybe picking up a sv6 at some point after hearing such great experiences with it. i already have a herborizer digiti tho is it really worth it to get this vape? how does the flavor profile compared to the digiti ? and finally does it get you more medicated ?
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    Herborizer corner

    Hope Everybody is having a great day today. Sorry for taking so long to reply everyone been a crazy week @rodders83 @stickstones @The Chemist. Honestly i wouldnt waste the money, after experimenting this weekend and during the week with the adapter i can tell you its really not worth it. there...
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    Herborizer corner

    Hope everybody is doing well and having an amazing day today. just wanted to report to everyone i found a 24mm to 19mm adapter and i am now using my digi ti in the herbo xl bowl. i repeat using the digi ti on the xl bowl lmfaooo and the rips are even more flavorful and hard hitting its...
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    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    does anybody know what the actual temp on the dish is when you take a dab? lets say the temps set at 650, also how would you guys compare the experience w dabs on this vs an enail ?
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    Herborizer corner

    @zancru thanks for double checking the lengths of the bowls brotha. i was cleaning my piece with the bowls today and i noticed that. i actually appreciate that its a little higher, gives you even more ability to customize your sessions. im sure seb designed it that way for a reason. Thanks...
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    Herborizer corner

    @Alexis taking it back with the steamroller lol i wonder how was your experience using it with an herborizer ? @ zancru i dont really micro dose that much but would it still be worth dropping the injector down? i noticed the 14mm bowl put the injector a little further up from the bowl than the...
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    Herborizer corner

    @justcametomind thanks for the info brotha, was always interested in the sherlock i love the small footprint it has. might have to get one soon lol. makes sense about the shorther airpath, def gonna give a try and see what happens why not right lol. i use to just go right to high temps( usually...
  12. D

    Herborizer corner

    hope everybody is enjoying there herborizers, still loving my digiti. just thought id share my experience. i found dry vaping to be a much more flavorful experience and made me appreciate the herb so much more. i can really taste everything thats in my cannabis that much more now, i think...
  13. D

    Herborizer corner

    Does anyone know where to get a 24mm to an 18mm male adapter so i can fit my digiti in the herborizer xl bowl for bigger bowls and sessions? I got a 29mm to 18mm adapter thinking it was right but it ended up being too big to fit
  14. D

    Herborizer corner

    Hey Everybody this is my first time posting here on FC. Just thought id share my experience with the Herborizer DigiTi. But before i do so id just like to take a moment and thank @zancru for recommending this device to me and @stickstones for just validating my experience with this bad boy on...
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