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  1. EpicPopsicle

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    It's me again! As promised: Extreme Q - and the mystical elbow pack (aka elbow pack 101)... Ok guys, I'm going to explain the often perplexing elbow pack and attempt to put this lingering and often puzzling question to rest, for good. I'm going to explain this without the use of pictures, so...
  2. EpicPopsicle

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    ^^It's me again! As promised: Extreme Q - First Experience and Review... Note: I'm a newb to vaping. I've combusted for years (and I don't ever want to go back). I haven't tried any other vaporizer - the Extreme Q is my first vaporizer and I cannot speak towards the other excellent vaporizers...
  3. EpicPopsicle

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Hi Everyone! I'm a new member to the forum and I'm new to vaporizing (and now a convert). After years of filthy combustion, I decided to look back into the subject of vaporizing (after first learning about them 6 years ago). I started browsing the web recently and was overwhelmed by the...
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