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  1. Brother Brigham


    To the future of log vapes! :cheers: Recently my PD became so unstable/loose that it fried two power supplies in 6 month; I needed a stable relationship with my vape. I did my homework I narrowed my options between both AZ and UD. I thought/think highly of both of their FC customer...
  2. Brother Brigham


    Wanted to check-in here as a proud owner of one the current stock of CRZ's, and thus my first post within this community. I just got mine yesterday and have had a day to experience it. The CRZ with the Spartan SS VV PS Performance: The CRZ blew away any other of the last generation of log...
  3. Brother Brigham

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    I am compelled by my recent experience with TV to make a quick note about TV's customer service. If that doesn't blow up your skirt, then you don't need to read on...take a vape break maybe? Or wish someone wellness...or...contribute to a community. I could either leave a long and personal...
  4. Brother Brigham

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Here is a session for Tom and Pammy...forever, thanks you two! Glad to see this thread alive. Glad that Rick and UD have stepped up in helping the PD community. Glad for 27 young ass wives too...just glad today.
  5. Brother Brigham

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I always compare the size of a PD bowl to that of a regular end-of-the-pencil eraser.
  6. Brother Brigham

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    It's been a while, it's nice to read all your names and comments again. For what it's worth on the whole cleaning the vapor tube and particularly the screens: I have had my PD for over a year and my screens look like they did day one. All I do is what I've already read here: clear the tubes...
  7. Brother Brigham

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    /\ agreed. I rarely use my VG now, just when I am camping. The learning curve is much easier with a log vape. No chance of combustion, no butane flavor, better efficiency, much more discreet.
  8. Brother Brigham

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Be OK, Pammy, we'll see ya next week. I had a male siamese growing up, his name was Samson. Seriously, that cat was a bad-ass. I saw that cat snatch a trout out of the snake river once! He was often my loyalist fishing buddy. He'd always follow you around like a dog and was friendly as hell...
  9. Brother Brigham

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    This is my first 4-20, how fun! :) Happy day to all my brothers and sisters.
  10. Brother Brigham

    Log vapes

    Thank you MattyG and Tom, both your replies made very good sense to me. Eternal salvation for you both, presto manifesto! :cool:
  11. Brother Brigham

    Log vapes

    I wonder if I could experiment by widening one of my PD tubes internal bore, that would seem to work similarly to a wooden tube. I don't have a drill-press or a, I probably won't actually do this for safety sake until I can pick up a vice. I Just wonder if Y'all think this is worth...
  12. Brother Brigham

    Win a Launch Box and Space Case from Puff It Up! I chose this post because originally reading it finalized my decision for my first vape. Consequently, it brought me into the world of vapor, and helped to empower my interacting with my FC brothers and sisters.
  13. Brother Brigham

    Log vapes

    Thanks MattyG and NYC!
  14. Brother Brigham

    Log vapes

    I'm excited to hear your review of CD's pipe, lwien. I have been considering getting one of these, but havent been able to justify the purchase. It is not ideal for me to have to use a waterpipe...but i sure do prefer my vapor cooler. Although, using a log vape "native" isn't too bad anyway...
  15. Brother Brigham

    Log vapes

    I can testify the woodeez is made of cheaper wood (lighter and less refined), thinner leather base, and cheaper feeling vapor tubes than the PD. :( I have used both on multiple occasions. From what I understand, the MZ is seemingly on par with the PD just different internal materials (I think...
  16. Brother Brigham

    ABV Coffee

    Humm, haven't tried to powderize the ABV and add it to drip coffee...I have my doubts though. As I understand it, even decarboxylated ABV needs fat receptors for the active chemicals to adhere too. There simply might not be enough essential fatty oils in drip coffee...I even think it needs an...
  17. Brother Brigham

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    You're damn right! :lol:
  18. Brother Brigham

    Ed's TnT 420 Asian Black & White Ebony Burl LB Stem Giveaway!!!

    Wahoo! I'm in...or as Kenny Powers would say: "You're fucking out, I'm fucking in."
  19. Brother Brigham

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Greetings brothers and sisters, I have a quick story and some news concerning the PD 4-20 contest. First, the story. As I have posted here before, I have been looking for a solution for my need to have a cap in place to protect my partially used stems and the potential ABV spillage here and...
  20. Brother Brigham

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Holy Me, 40 Stems! I spent all day building raised gardens and planting grass...My PD was there for me too...and ibuprofen. Anyway, I doubled my regular daily dosage and vaped...3 Stems! :lol:
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