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  1. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Loving the new gear from Dave and Amanda. Super nice little unit for the VVPS. The fine control I now have over the log is crazy. Very nice, thanks guys. Poor lighting but you get the idea.
  2. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    If you're reading through the cheap glass pages, I'm sure you've seen these but they're solid for what they are. Not much to cry over if your buddy breaks it. Both have pretty enthusiastic attempts at knocking off Möbius percs. I love mine for travel, etc...
  3. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Sounds like you ride the edge of combustion like I do. In the past I just feathered the dog toward and away from the herb to flirt with combustion but now I'm psyched to surf it with some more control with Dave and Amanda's Buck/Boost VVPS unit. I could share some experiences today if USPS 2-day...
  4. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I use fabric bags intended to sheath sunglasses, like when you get a new pair. Tie a tight slip knot with the drawstring, slip the end of the stem in and blow the plug out.
  5. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    2+ years on the wall wart, loving life when everybody gets off the grid and it gets nice and hot. Indian Rosewood
  6. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    There's my current experience. Try a bubbler that fits on a table, next to your beer
  7. drewper

    Thanks man

    Thanks man
  8. drewper

    Hey I was wondering if you would put me in contact with the artist who made you that female...

    Hey I was wondering if you would put me in contact with the artist who made you that female jointed gong for you underdog/water toy setup. So much of the cool glass is made with male joints nowadays! Thanks, Drew
  9. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    That's sweet. I have borderline glass acquisition syndrome and have been crushing on all these male jointed mini beakers not to mention all the new toros usually getting a male joint. I don't do oil or hash so now I can rationalize two purchases. That looks like a nice pair.
  10. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Nice, thanks. I remember looking at his stuff a while ago. Those female jointed 10-14-18mm gongs I see for log vapes are a great idea.
  11. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I like that worked gong fitting, where'd it come from?
  12. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    That could've gone through your foot!?
  13. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Er mer gerd merge mergerc
  14. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    But a lot of fun flirting with the smoke point!! This d020 is pretty fun, on the money with the underdog These are sweet. I wonder if the artist has an idea for a fancy 14mm gong fitting
  15. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    You'll know, there will be a cherry, smoke will flood, and it will taste like burning
  16. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Yeah man, just find your sweet spot
  17. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Just dial your vvps down by small degrees until the hit feels right to you. I've never filtered my power through a vvps and I've combusted in conditions like fated describes...heavy restriction, heavy draw, big pack. Regardless of your expectation of where the temp should be when at certain...
  18. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Get a vvps, residential electric is like the internet, the less people on it the hotter it gets.
  19. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

  20. drewper

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Perfect match with the UD, can fills with fizz on the right draw speed. I laughed when I saw the bub in person it's so small. In Miami sierra Nevada is about as fairly priced as you can find. Torpedo is my favorite hoppy beer around here mostly BC bear republic has costly distribution. In CA...
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