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  1. M

    Ton of mids and low end. Is it worth pressing?

    I got almost a pound of low quality blue dream. Not good not completely awful still gets you buzzed on 2 bowls. Got a half pound of outdoor mids as well that’s seedless but very leafy. My question is some friends have been asking why I don’t press them into dabs, and I also hear other things...
  2. M

    Mmp patients living in cities against weed. Does desktop vaping make your life easier?

    I’m renting a bottom apartment off of my aunt and they are both born again Christians and my aunt is trying to find a way to get my uncle on board with it. I would walk down the street with it literally more so right out the door on my step. My aunt just doesn’t want me smoking there but if the...
  3. M

    Mmp patients living in cities against weed. Does desktop vaping make your life easier?

    I just moved to a new neighborhood and the best way out neighbors are intolerant to weed medical or recreational. I know recreational is coming January 1st in NJ but means nothing to my situation. I live now In a busy city I can’t smoke inside. Neighbors already requested I stop smoking near...
  4. M

    No body high

    I could be wrong maybe it’s just a very nasty disgusting traste. I have really only hit it with my old firefly and my ghost. The taste is like burnt disgusting food and the bud turns dark black and when it does the smell lingers as long and as bad as smoking except smoking weed in a closed in...
  5. M

    No body high

    When you vape at the temps I do for maximum pain relief all of the big name vapes combust towards 3/4 the way through the bowl, but hey that’s also because it’s normal to combust at 427. I don’t go any lower than 392 but the harshness comes in when I crank it up around like the 5th hit 3rd-4th...
  6. M

    No body high

    Dude even the mighty and sad to say probably the best vape of all the ghost is gone. Hate to say it but I think a lot of the big names are going. The virus is hitting them too financially. The mighty and ghost are like a desktop vape though. I recently started vaping my mighty again and vaping...
  7. M

    Pain Management - how do you cope?

    Have you tried purple kush? If you were local I would say I would give you a little bit. I love it. I have had 40+ surgeries and I’m 31. It has been a game changer. The effects are stronger and better smoking or via hitting a vape through a bong for me at least unless I hit a volcano it’s almost...
  8. M

    Pain Management - how do you cope?

    I personally don’t get prescriptions anymore that’s actually why I got a card for chronic pain. I live in the most ignorant state stuck in corruption...New Jersey. Pain medications can’t be prescribed anymore here the way they used too and even when they could it was still a problem. I just...
  9. M

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    Wait a minute this is FC. 1. marijuana being compared to drugs is as Ludacris as comparing heroin peanut butter and jelly. 2. cannabis was the number 1 prescribed (TREATMENT) not drug used by doctors and hospitals in an earlier time. 3. marijuana is not addicting this is supposed to be a...
  10. M

    No body high

    If you been smoking for awhile you can handle it. I primarily smoke during the day u less I go out the ghost comes with me every where or late at night I switch the it so I don’t have to keep going outside. Vapings weaker than smoking in terms of equivalent hits, but a bowl stretches a lot more...
  11. M

    No body high

    Yeah my bad idk how I did a double quote. And for the guy below you I crank my ghost up to 427 every time for that body high. I wish my night could go past 410.
  12. M

    No body high

    My suggestion would be in order number 1-3 Volcano Ghost mv1 Mighty
  13. M

    Lung/chest pain and Vaping

    Be honest, are your carts legit? Just because it’s labels tko, heavy hitters, brass knuckles etc doesn’t mean it’s real either. I have heard of issues related to cut carts with bad stuff causing health issues. The other thing I can think of it still happens to veterans....the anxiety/panic...
  14. M

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    I don’t buy the article considering the news source it’s coming from. Weed calms me down, and stops my heart from racing. You gotta keep in mind what news sources are pumping what because they technically are paid promoters in a way. The war on drugs is still going on and it’s still a losing...
  15. M

    No body high

    Stick to smoking or get a powerful desktop vape. Sorry not sorry but at least for the forseable future vaping will never compete with smoking for some medical patients treating conditions like chronic pain. The body highs just are not there. There’s options out there I fell in love with the...
  16. M

    Lung/chest pain and Vaping

    Keep in mind really good weed will kill your chest too with any good vape. Actually I think vaping is just as bad if it’s something like gorilla glue. I got some grandaddy right bow and that’s brutal too. Just nature of the beast. I primarily smoke it’s better unless you have a good vape and I...
  17. M

    Cannabis allergy or normal irritation?

    Not every time but if I hit it hard it’s not as bad with a vape compared to smoking but it’s still there. If it’s something like gorilla glue it can be bad. Mostly just a case of feeling like bad allergies. Stuffy nose can’t breath easily through it coughing from congestion but I can honestly...
  18. M

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    honestly my monarch mini bunker was like $40 and In comparison to what’s it’s been through no “fancy high end designer brand” piece can compete with the durability for the price. Even my monarch beaker bong has been through a lot where their pieces would shatter just from the smoke and going...
  19. M

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    Seems a little hard to believe for me considering I have heart issues and since I started smoking my heart issues have gotten better. Less palpitations too. The way I see it if weed really is bad for you and your health god wouldn’t have put it here and gave us cannabinoid receptors...if those...
  20. M

    Cannabis allergy or normal irritation?

    Easiest way put...weed is worse than pollen season at its worst if your like me with bad allergies. Just gotta deal with it. Pop some Benadryl or Claritin before you smoke, and even thought it’s highly addicting Afrin extra moisturizing. Smoke from a nice bubbler or bong or vape and it won’t be...
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