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  1. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    It sounds like the best combination. The VapCap ticks a lot of boxes for me but the fiddling about with lighers and so on has me turning to the Argo more and more. Any more hints of an official IH at some point?
  2. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Are there any rumblings of what's next for the Vapcap line? Lots of nice third party stems but I'm wondering about the official stuff. :D
  3. janusportal

    Arizer ArGo

    I don't get why this vape doesn't get more love. I know it's the mini of the family but having a user-replaceable battery at that size is amazing. If they made the baskets for the Argo that would make it pretty much perfect. What sort of session times/heats do people use? I'm not sure I'm...
  4. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Another M model? I haven't even touched the Shadow M yet! One person doesn't need five Vapcaps, right? :D I'm consistently blown away by how fresh they keep things. Omnivap hasn't been updated in a while right? I wonder what the next XL will look like.
  5. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    So now that the coil's out of the way, when's the induction heater making its debut? ;)
  6. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Ah, Black Friday got me. Vapcap Shadow M ordered from Vapefiend and accessories from Hedonist Club. I've wanted one of those launchpads for ages. :D
  7. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Seriously? I can't see that deal on their website.
  8. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    I needed an excuse for a second 2018 M to replace my 2017 version. Can't wait for it to go live, it looks incredible. On another note, the video reminded me I want to look at new torches. What's everyone using at the moment? I'm using one of these:
  9. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    So a good rinse should be enough to avoid inhaling something super toxic? In that case, glad I didn't toss it. I've disassembled it before for a good cleaning, but I appreciate the detailed instructions. Was sad to see the Cocobolo not being used, but the pre-2018 M wasn't doing too badly...
  10. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    So I got either hand wash or dish soap in my Ti Woody and am seriously worried about vaping and inhaling that. Any tips beyond just replacing it? Tempted to order a new one regardless but really torn between options. :\
  11. janusportal

    Phattpiggies Wood Shed

    Gorgeous. :love: How does acrylic deal with warm vapor going through it, though? Is that safe? Also might be a silly question but is there an Etsy or something? How do we know what's available and what the prices are?
  12. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Long time, no post. I see there's a sexy new M in town. I'm in need of a new Vapcap at some point and while the M's lovely, I was thinking of going for one of the higher end ones. The newness is tempting, though... Any rumblings about changes in the Omnivap line? :)
  13. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Sounds epic. The M is the one I let my buddies use and they never seem to get hits as effective as the good ol' Woody. Might have to spring for one. Or two...
  14. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    So what's the deal with the new Vapcap M? I'm excited and I don't know why. :D
  15. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Thanks for the detailed response! The different tips were what really confused me when I was first buying a Vapcap since they looked so different on various websites. :p As for the Woody, that's a real shame. That's what attracted me to Vapcaps in the first place. The M that I have is great...
  16. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Ah, that's really neat. :) Thank you.
  17. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Man, this thread moves fast. Can someone catch me up on the new 7-fin tip? It looks awesome but I see it's limited time only. Is this rolling out eventually as a new design and is it better than normal tips? Also whatever happened to the Woody? I see that it's sort of there in the Dynabuilder.
  18. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Hm, bit wary about putting vinegar in it. Anyone done that? I read a tip about heating the condenser up and just using a Q-tip with some hemp fiber. I might try that using some warm water.
  19. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Hey peeps, quick question. In the absence of ISO alcohol, what's the best way to clean the Vapcap in preparation for travel? I think it's more likely that I'll be able to find proper pipe cleaners than ISO, if that's any help. :\
  20. janusportal

    Dynavap VapCap

    Thanks for the advice. I noted that the Dynavap instructions say not to use alcohol, although ISO seems to be the go-to for so many people. The dishwasher isn't a bad idea for the M.
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