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  1. skaav

    AerTouch-TC - Custom PID controller

    If im understanding their store page correctly, the thing has a built in back up battery. That will be one Aspect, also the Hexnail can probably just be produced cheaper due to higher demand. Edit: Scratch that, batteries are not included
  2. skaav

    Cloud Evo + Accesories and Chinese HT (EU) Updated Pic

    Hi everybody, putting up the Evo since im barely using it and my stepfather doesnt need it either anymore. This includes EU Power Cord, Main Unit, 2 ELB's, short Mouthpiece, yingmin5 Hydratube, VXNail. The Unit has been purchased with vapefiend earlier this year and still carries over 1,5 years...
  3. skaav

    Looking for the most efficient, "bong-like" Vape

    Thanks dude, exactly the info I was looking for
  4. skaav

    Looking for the most efficient, "bong-like" Vape

    Thanks, really appreciate the Input. I've been thinking about an Auber RDK300 but apparently they ran out of EU coils at the moment. Slight derail but are coils (if appropriate for the right energy norm) universal? Dont mean coilsize (for clarity) but rather their plugs and if they can be used...
  5. skaav

    Looking for the most efficient, "bong-like" Vape

    I appreciate the input, I really do, but Im pretty set on a portable not being able to fill my needs, portable smoking (of weed) wasnt able to do that ;) Tried a hopper, its pretty nice and impressive for its size, but no way does it compare to a evo in any regard, the only upside i can see is...
  6. skaav

    Looking for the most efficient, "bong-like" Vape

    Ive only started using concentrates after the evo experiment failed already (didnt admit it then but it had ^^) I use an Ecig, i have no craving for smoking whatsoever, and i still get my nicotine. Not smoking cigs really wasnt an issue, pretty much ever since the first day i had an ecig I...
  7. skaav

    Looking for the most efficient, "bong-like" Vape

    Ill hang around either way, lots of cool info on here :) and a bunch of concentrate related stuff that has already helped me out a lot.
  8. skaav

    Looking for the most efficient, "bong-like" Vape

    I dont think Ill buy another Vaporizer for now, Ill go for an Enail first since using a torch still kind of annoys me. Very limited on EU options tho
  9. skaav

    Looking for the most efficient, "bong-like" Vape

    Hey Guys, so I'm reanimating the thread. Evo really isnt doing it for me... Not a bad Vape, still enjoy it a lot over the Plenty or other stuff I tried, but I dont think vaping is going to do it for me. I really tried sticking with the Evo for a while, but It just leaves me pacing around, not...
  10. skaav

    Enail (Europe)

    Looking for an European Enail Setup, looking to buy via Paypal or trade against my Cloud Evo, depending on type of Nail with Money top up. Edit: clarity, didnt mean cash as in cash but additional money :)
  11. skaav

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Depending on the Price for samples, I might get in on the group buy, depending on shipping etc
  12. skaav

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    You can totally buy single pieces from hemping by the way, im in contact with him and hell give me sample prices and shipping romorrow, will update.
  13. skaav

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    Mostly Mechwarrior Online competitively and some Atlas Reactor at the moment for relaxing evenings with friends. Next MWO World Championships are coming up! Training and hoping to be at least top 3 EU this year, not just top 5 !
  14. skaav

    Herborizer corner

    @lazylathe thanks a bunch, im really intrested in getting it since id like some NICE glass, not just functional, althoug its probably best to just get the basic set of azarius for 330 then xD @rodders83 I dont think the bulge will have a negative impact on airflow, Roor are like really pretty...
  15. skaav

    Herborizer corner

    @lazylathe Yeah it seems really nice, im pretty sure they sell the Body on its own, at least the german site does :) How tall is the Roor Vapor Body, if you dont mind me asking? I feel they could give a bit more Info on a 300 Euro purchase themselves xD
  16. skaav

    How to clean vape parts and reclaim resin

    This is what it looks like if you dont properly filter your stuff btw, unless im very mistaken. All that material should not be there, did you run your iso/solvent rhough a coffee filter a few times after rinsing? Otherwise that stuff is basicaly just bleached ABV with 0 goodness left, and if...
  17. skaav

    Concentrates for Noobs - Q&A

    Aluminum Foil was just used as a burn off medium for a purity check, I dont need to use cotton or the like because i have the Evos Glass Nail to use for Oils, If you use cotton you will have no burn off because the Enano wont be able to produce the heat necessary to burn off the rest, you can...
  18. skaav

    Concentrates for Noobs - Q&A

    Pretty new to concentrates, when vaping wax, is it supposed to be a fairly small, inhalable hit, and then around 2 mins of burn off? Or did i get horribly tainted stuff? When Evaporated on aluminum foil, a small quantity of black/burnt residue remains, which however still smells like the...
  19. skaav

    Why do you use cannabis?

    Helps me keep a handle on my depression in a way AD's never could, even with their horrible Side Effects. If i don't use, i just cant stop worrying/thinking about stuff, too much noise to stay concentrated and somewhat functional. Before using regularly, I couldnt hold a job because after some...
  20. skaav

    The Claisen-less Thread

    Top tree perc is the downstem, in between the trees there is another stem connecting to the lower tree perc. This thing is gonna have some heavy draw resistance and should be a bitch to clean.
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