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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Well I don't know the laws of where you are traveling but in the US vaporizers are not illegal. Of course make sure that it is a 100% clean with no resin. This is assuming your not going to travel with the actual herb, which I wouldn't recommend. If you do plan on it then don't bring the...
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Yes the easy answer is don't do it but if you have no possession and your tubes aren't resined there has to be something you could pass it off as. Tip: if you bring any on the road just put it in a little plastic cup (like for rinsing after you brush your teeth) and if worst comes to worst just...
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Not sure if this has been discussed but....... Any1 have any good excuses for what the hell your pd is if you were to get stopped by a cop? (of course I would unlpug it and chuck it in my back seat.......) What about the tubes??
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    Purple-Days availability

    Arrived today........ What is this little extra wood piece for? Like a cylinder piece off wood hollowed out half way. Old hippy, kinda embarssing. Seeing as I was lost and on vacation in Cali I happend to turn off the highway right on to the miltary base........ The highway exit was a left or...
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    Purple-Days availability

    FINALLY!!!!!! AdamIsChillen ORDER 3305 Order 11/28 Got an email that it is route!! Fucked up part.......... Got busted with a gram of hash (happens to be a felony) in good ole Cali on vacation. The ounce of medical grade herb that i didnt even get to taste was a fucking ticket...
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