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  1. P

    Dynavap VapCap

    I have breaked the cerámic screen when i was cleanning my ti woody and i replaced it with a screen of my Nano cutting it litle ,it go on working god, can to be any problema with it? ,any body had the same problem?
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    Dynavap VapCap

    He to all ,yesterday when i cleanning my ti woody and when i try to put out de screen and the ring the cerámica screen breaked i replace it with cuting a budha screen ,some body with the same problema now i go in using my vape i dont feel diferent than before.
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    Dynavap VapCap

    Hallo to all the litle vapcap is more wonderfull day afther day,any body had problems with the cap with continúed use ,in one year for example? I dont kniw if i must to order replaces?
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    Dynavap VapCap

    This vapcap is wonderfull the best portable that i have traied,it can used on a lot of ways and intensitis .I only tkinking in the life of metalic cap?any body haved problems with it or changes with clicks with long use?
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    Dynavap VapCap

    He to all , i have my ti woody vapcap one week ago i have to say that afther of to use a lot of portables vaporizers this thing is perfect ,very eficient , i can usted in a litle moment ,i can to take big clouds with hole closed and more light vapor with it open, can used it suddenly or...
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    Dynavap VapCap

    A cuestión some body have breaked the cap,its resistent it?
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    Dynavap VapCap

    Im waiting by my ti woody and i have a enano because i like big clouds,my portables are lotus and vaporgenie by clouds too,can the vapcap make it? There are a problem whit restrictive draw with carbohidrat closed for make big clouds ,im not seen any vídeo with it ,only very long time draw and...
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    Dynavap VapCap

    Oooh! I just ordered one and i just to read here that there is one of titanium comopletly ,i would one of this,but i didn,t see in the web,will i can to ordered the rest of titanium body?
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    E-Nano from Epickai

    Mi nano is of maple,(Arce), i think that it raches 560f it would must to burn in the first draw at 10 like say andrew with more or less temperature out but it only happened when the day is hot,in summer with 27c it will be diferent but no now .i dont want tu burn but yes to know that my unit...
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    E-Nano from Epickai

    Halo to all, one month with enano , i like it ,is god by the size and without tubs for draw ,i like that i can put litles nugs in it.Too i want to say that muy unit don,t raches the temperatura that maker says baecause with 12 c° o 13 in my house the unit can not burn in number 10 and i put...
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    E-Nano from Epickai

    Thanks Carol ,i believe that is a great vape i haved can feel that i need less time draw for my big clouds,but i like the hard vapor because the efect is more complet for my , i think that my unit at 5 or 6 would take my to much ligth vapor ,i will try it,and i think that diferent temperature...
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    E-Nano from Epickai

    Halo to all the nano just come to home im was very happy afther to wait the replace cord,i turn on it with my 50w con verter and the ligh on but no heat ,in number 10 my abv green,before to say anything to epic i change the converter by one of 100w,and eureka the enano heat good,but at firts...
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    E-Nano from Epickai

    hallo boys, carisa answer me that epic send me a replacement cord, i wait that it isnt breaked too , im not a lucky man at last times,now i begun to see the ligth, thanks to all. i will post afther my firt nano vape sesion.kisses from spain. Carolking , at last i believe that i dont know how to...
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    E-Nano from Epickai

    Ok thanks i just send a private pm to him with my addres and my order number O my good i have my nano hands without live,when will i can used it
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    E-Nano from Epickai

    Any body haved the same problem? I go on calling to epic and any bo body answer my,i dont know if i dont call correctly from spain ,o if there arent sny body in epic. Halo andy ,what i must to do by replace the cord
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    E-Nano from Epickai

    Sorry but i can wait more i just recived my enano one week ago i was happy two years waiting it for to have money,litle to litle,and at last my nano in home afther to wait by problems with CORDS and when i put the enano on with my down conversor ,no ligth no heat,nothing,very bad a lot of tme...
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    E-Nano from Epickai

    He boys ,today happy news for me too,my nano is coming to my home,i just by a down conversor ,i would like to by a 100 w conversor,but at last in a shop of my town only have 50 w conversor,i by it by only 12 euros , will work it good whit the nano? Or i would must to by another more big of 100w...
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    E-Nano from Epickai

    Halo, im from Palma de Mallorca, España, i have a.lot of vaporizerss, budha, generic box,ascent,,vaponic, and some more,but i allways wanted one enano by the temperature power because i lilke sometimes be near of burn but without it and without to play to much with velocity draw , i...
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