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  1. Z

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Hey Stone, Just a (few) question(s): After coming this far, with almost all of the production details ironed out, and the hydratube designs done as well, how confident are you in your products ability to deliver? Or perhaps, even more importantly, how confident are you in the Cloud getting...
  2. Z

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    I'm liking the shirt with with the plain fontwork on the back. Def looks sexy in a classy way, I'd wear that shirt all the time!
  3. Z

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    to be perfectly honest, when it comes to aesthetics I think the Apple-proven ideal of less is more is better. I'd rather go for a sleek exterior with as few lines and angles as possible than the complex looking dohickey you've got rendered on the front page. it'd probably sell better as well...
  4. Z

    Question bout grinders.

    Highschool. Actually. Fancy, stuck-up, borderline pretentious private prep school.
  5. Z

    Question bout grinders.

    How does one go about collecting and vaporizing keif? Also, I do know that it won't be my last. If this doesn't work out, I'll move up to the Magic Flight Launch Box, and when I'm out of the dorm, who knows? ;) Also, thanks for the welcome. :)
  6. Z

    Question bout grinders.

    Hey FC. Long time lurker, first time poster. Just really got into vaping recently, inspired by a friend of mine who owns a Purple-Days American Cherry. Personally, I'm on a budget and in a dorm, so I recently bought a VapBong ( for cheap ($46 including shipping @...
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