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  1. stinkytofus

    Anvil by Vestratto

    hello guys, the thermocore or duracore is better ? what is the differences? thanks
  2. stinkytofus

    Hard hitting (low temp) vape.

    milaana 2
  3. stinkytofus

    Why do some models/designs get copied and/or rebranded so much?

    because people like copying each other
  4. stinkytofus

    Discontinued Ghost MV1

    Mine still works well, press fire button the lights will flash green until solid
  5. stinkytofus

    Do you save your AVB?

    not any more, i prefer using fresh buds
  6. stinkytofus

    Acid Reflux / Gerd and Vaping + Munchies. How do y’all counter it?

    dont eat 3-4 hrs before you sleep
  7. stinkytofus

    Old S&B acrylic grinder safe to use?

    use it all the time, best cheap $5 fine grinder on the market imo, wrist friendly go with bcg, fine grinds i reach for S&B or kannastor
  8. stinkytofus

    Stainless steel BCG - worth it?

    i mean calculate all the time you will be unscrewing and screwing, the time will add up vs magnets which is instant open, eventually it will pay itself haha
  9. stinkytofus

    Stainless steel BCG - worth it?

    yes true, but if i want a perfectly grinded fluffy cannabis flower, i use a good grinder like kannastor, storz and bickel or bcg
  10. stinkytofus

    Stainless steel BCG - worth it?

    i have the ss version of the bcg my kannastor and pucks are all aluminum, i believe some parts they didnt put the plastic between the aluminum pieces is where you’re going to grind the aluminum together and get some shaved aluminum, its not a big deal but one reason i got the ss bcg
  11. stinkytofus

    Stainless steel BCG - worth it?

    do you care about shaved aluminum mixed in your flowers ? then yes you will want a SS grinder is bcg worth it ? depends.. its definitely priced a little high, but as long as you dont drop it, it should last you a lifetime and the only plate you need is probably medium plate, i hardly use coarse...
  12. stinkytofus

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    love my jr and maxx
  13. stinkytofus

    Looking to find a solid grinder that lasts.

    bcg just came out with large ss BCG for... $391 for all three plates
  14. stinkytofus

    Looking to find a solid grinder that lasts.

    i got this and the $5 storz and bickle, the $5 grinder works fine, this grinder is not bad but for the price i’d probably spring for a kannastor aluminum or bcg
  15. stinkytofus

    What happened to Rastabuddhatao ?

    he made the best on demand vapes, i love my milaana’s
  16. stinkytofus

    NYC Best Vape Spots

    any good quality ounces for cheap in nyc?
  17. stinkytofus

    Looking to find a solid grinder that lasts.

    my BCG actually got gunked up on my first grind, i had really sticky icky flowers, the stickiest i've had in a while
  18. stinkytofus

    TM2/AVLP or Log Vape?

    No urges at all ? Nice !
  19. stinkytofus

    TM2/AVLP or Log Vape?

    How often you vape now
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