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  1. W

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Check out what's coming in the mail!
  2. W

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I watched it last night and loved it! Unfortunately no UD, but I kept the spirit alive with an Apple! I've done some carpentry, I'd never really looked at the Japanese style but I definitely got into handmade joinery and using all wood construction when I saw this guy's video, it's a (mostly)...
  3. W

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Be careful with a multimeter, but the power outta be regulated by the wall wart so if it's heating up then that may not tell you much besides that your power supply isn't the problem. Also, just sent in for a purpleheart peppermill! Now to decide on stems...
  4. W

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Sweet! Take your time, I'm not ready to pull the trigger yet so I'm not in a huge hurry.
  5. W

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I still haven't gotten one yet but after reading that I figure this may be the last vape I ever buy.... So go big or go home, yeah? Just asked for a quote on 2 possible custom designs :]
  6. W

    Underdog Log Vapes

    That's an interesting idea, it'd be basically the same price to get an UD or to get an econodog and 4 NonG stems! Would you expect an Econodog to last for an arbitrarily long amount of time (multiple years) if it is usually plugged in for ~5 hours a day? Or would I still be better off getting a...
  7. W

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Hi Underdogs! I've been looking at UD's for a few months now (I've been using a mflb since before I heard of Underdog) and my friend recently got an Enano that's just spectacular. Super smooth, way more efficient, and it whitewalls glass like no vape I've seen before. I figure that all logs...
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