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  1. Shizuka

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I will once the liquid pad starts giving me shit, I suppose
  2. Shizuka

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Yeah I've used it maybe 3 or 4 times so far and I can already tell the liquid pad probably isn't going to hold up to lots and lots of reuses. They seem pretty expensive to replace as well so the screen idea does sound pretty good as a cheaper replacement I'll have to order some so I have a few...
  3. Shizuka

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    What I did was put the load into the chamber and just put that liquid pad on top of it is there a more efficient way to that? I had pretty good results but I'm curious because I noticed there's these dosing capsules you can use, is that mainly for if you want to pack it to the top? It seems...
  4. Shizuka

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Surprised you aren't getting good results honestly! Compared to my Solo the Mighty hits like a TRUCK I've been using half the amount I typically use and still getting great effects from it. First time I had to stop in a long time before I used the whole bowl because I had enough, and when I...
  5. Shizuka

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Just tried it out for the first time and I'm pretty satisfied. Gotta say, it packs quite a wallop!
  6. Shizuka

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Actually just picked this up myself! Saw it was on sale and had some money to throw around so I figured why not after seeing the positive reviews on it I thought a Mighty would be good enough to justify upgrading from my Solo. I like the Solo a lot but my main beef with it is that getting...
  7. Shizuka

    Arizer Solo

    Yeah they all seemed like pretty cool dudes in the warehouse I feel like I would have been in a more talkative mood to them if I wasn't running off like 3 hours sleep when they called me haha. That dual water bong setup thing you have there is pretty cool I've been wanting to buy one of those...
  8. Shizuka

    Arizer Solo

    Made an account just to post about my warranty experience with Arizer since I feel like it was kind of unique. About a week ago my Solo stopped charging completely I tried every home remedy in the book (plugging it into the solo then the wall, taking it apart and unplugging the battery, that...
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