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  1. tomh

    Water tools

    This is very helpful information!
  2. tomh

    Canna Honey Recipie

    I like your sassy comment! I like your existentialism. Do you have any reipes for simaller or single batches. 5lb of honey for one month is a lot to consume!
  3. tomh

    Water tools

    The 'glass pieces' and upgraded tubing are not listed in the note. I am interested in learning more from you. The preference of my responders seems to be water at room temp. or slightly tepid makes the vapor more enjoyable over iced coolers. Do you agree?
  4. tomh

    Water tools

    Thats a lot of money? Why is the price so high? I was thinking of a water tool, not an ice cooler
  5. tomh

    Coughing and vaping: totally natural or am I doing it wrong?

    Is there a water tool that will fit the Extreme Q whip?
  6. tomh

    Water tools

    Is there a 'cooler' that canbe used with an Extreme Q whip?
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