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  1. ginobaki4

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hi guys. I picked up the MFLB a few days ago (and love it). I just have a question regarding the battery. I just don't know how to tell when they're finally charged. All I see when they're charging, is a still red light. That's it. No blinking. If they're empty, the charger will show the same...
  2. ginobaki4

    Arizer Solo

    Hey Poonman, Generally, I use it every night. - 1 bowl. - Start on setting "4". But after 5-10 minutes, I go up to "5-7" to finish it off. - Regular dry herb. Just want to say thanks again to everyone who provided their answers. From what I gather, cleaning this 1x a month (based on my...
  3. ginobaki4

    Arizer Solo

    Hi. Yes, the glass stem/pipe. How often would you say you clean it? Every 3-4 months?
  4. ginobaki4

    Arizer Solo

    Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum. I just had 1 question: How often do you (or are supposed to) clean your Arizer Solo pipe? Thanks
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