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  1. jofroxp

    How do you know if your VAPED herbs didn't go bad?

    Hey guys, like all vapor enthusiast, we like to collect the vaped herb, and later use it for other uses. But how do you know when your V.H. has gone bad? Sometimes it smells, even after putting it in a glass jar. Any answers? Thanks.
  2. jofroxp

    When your are high, have you ever said something so stupid............

    When you were vaked, do you remember ever having an episode of doing something, or saying something you thought as smart, but was really really dumb? Edit: I was really really really really "intoxicated, my bad." My story is I got really really vaked in my closet, and thought it was my room...
  3. jofroxp

    Double post***

    Double Post
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