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  1. B

    Arizer Solo

    Do you have any spare o rings? Or where can I order the phves stem that comes with that orange o ring please let me know thanks
  2. B

    What vape is right for me?

    I would narrow your choices hands down to the arizer solo and davinci accent, Those IMO are the best 2 portable vapes out because of the glass pathways. Given these are the top ranked vaporizers for getting you high and taste amazing they both have downfalls. Arizer solo stem becomes loose...
  3. B

    What Are YOUR Best/Worst Vape Purchases?

    My best vape purchase the Arizer Solo Worst purchase was the atmos raw
  4. B

    Arizer Solo

    Hey guys I'm new to FC and was wondering if anyone of you vape experts can help me. I recently just purchased an arizer solo and after using it several times my glass stem has become loose, to the point where it just doesn't feel right and if you turn the device upside down it will slide out...
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