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  1. rubbersoul

    anyone use absinthe?

    a friend of mine ordered some la fee absinthe online back when it was still illegal here in the states. i really enjoyed the drink when mixed with sugar & water. it tasted delicious, and the drunk felt different than usual. very enjoyable. what absinthes do you recommend that are readily...
  2. rubbersoul

    Cool music to vape to, you know the tunes that move you

    i'm listening to some jose gonzalez right now, and thinking this is a perfect album to toke up to.
  3. rubbersoul

    My Great Vape Experiment - Exercise and Vaping

    interesting experiment. i've always heard that vaporizing is way better for your lungs than combustion, but the strange thing is that vaping makes me cough more than using a pipe. maybe the high temperature is a bit irritating or something.
  4. rubbersoul

    Herb Grinders

    I have a space case and the build quality is extremely good. I like how I am able to control the fineness of the grind depending on application. For my PD, very fine grind is great. For joints, a bit coarser of a grind makes for a slower burning j. overall, very satisfied with that purchase.
  5. rubbersoul

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I've had mine for quite some time now, and it has been a wonderful ride. Unfortunately, I think I may have to part with it soon :( my job has just implemented random drug tests :uhoh: ma always said life isn't fair.
  6. rubbersoul

    Herb Grinders

    yes, you'll be getting less high, but it is probably debatable whether you'd actually notice the difference or not. imagine you order gin and tonics often, but before you drink them you run them through an apparatus that extracts a drop of pure alcohol from the drink. now what drink is less...
  7. rubbersoul

    Herb Grinders

    @moe: the reason why collecting the pollen is attractive to me is the control it'll give me over the potency of what i'm consuming. sometimes, i want to get ripped, and other times i just want a little thc. you can control this somewhat by adjusting the quantity you consume, but separating...
  8. rubbersoul

    Herb Grinders

    finally finished reading through this thread :o :lol: i'm currently a vapor virgin. i decided to try vaporizing for the health benefits, efficiency, and taste :). after looking through the forums here and chatting with some people in the live chat, i decided to order a purple days. while i'm...
  9. rubbersoul

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    since i've got all this time to wait, i've started working through reading this thread. right from the beginning, people were talking about battery packs for this thing, and tom made it quite clear that he wouldn't sell one unless it was "just right." i take it from the website that nobody has...
  10. rubbersoul

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    i just discovered this forum today when looking to finalize my vape purchase. i'm very glad i did, because being the noob i am i had no idea what to look for and would have made an uninformed decision. after checking out the forums and spending a few minutes in live chat, i've decided to get...
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