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  1. usr/share/vape

    How do I

    Delete my account here? I can't find anything in the Profile section... thanks.
  2. usr/share/vape

    How do I

    Delete my account here? I can't find anything in the Profile section... thanks.
  3. usr/share/vape

    Impassioned and civility

    It seems in this day and age being passionate about something is excuse enough to be rude to one another. I see it in everything from politics to vaporizers. You've got vape vendors acting like petulant children, vape users acting like someone is stabbing at their religion, etc... Good grief...
  4. usr/share/vape

    Your identity and LEO

    We all have clever little handles that we use here. Me included. My reason for a handle is to hide my identity, however, I wonder if maybe I'm just being paranoid? Do we really need to hide our identity? I'm 48 and don't care about what my parents know, so that's not an issue. :) I mean really...
  5. usr/share/vape

    Da Buddha mods

    Got my first vape Monday - a Da Buddha. WOW. Vaporizing is amazing.... I've been battling cancer this past year - I sure wish I knew about vapes a year ago!!! Anyway... Has anyone taken their Buddha apart yet? I've been sitting here thinking that my Buddha needs a few (red) LEDs around the...
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