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  1. C

    ABV Milkshake (My First Post)

    why you wonna put it in the microwave ? Since it is ABV it is already decarb ...
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    It goes on red only if I put two batteries. After a couple of hours the battery which was on red went on blue. If I insert only one battery it is always on blue...I guess the charger is defective. I ll try to write to Canada and see what they ll say. Already my FV unit was defective but it was...
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    No I do not have a multimeter. I haven't been using the batteries for 6 months but they were pretty new. I bought them (four batteries) one year back and I v always taken good care...before storing them I did half discharge them.
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    Thanks Pakalolo, my model is : FVDC-002 . Smart Li-ion Dual Battery Charger so I guess is a different one. I will try your solution...actually both charger remain all the time on it is a bit odd. I ll let you know if I ll work it out. I bought it on Ebay so not sure abt warranty. I v...
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    Hi there, I have just received a new double charger...looks like something is wrong with it : both indicator light are always blue even if the batteries are not charged...I v been waiting for few hours but they are always blue. Normally they should be green wen the batteries are fully charged...
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    abv butter

    it was the first time for her and she said it ll be the last...:)
  7. C

    abv butter

    Actually what I'v written in the first message is wrong , I'v used more or less 150 gr of butter for 15 gr of dark brown abv. I have reported here the efx related to each amount of butter ingested.
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    abv butter

    I v test for the third time the dosing of my preparation. So day 1 : arnd 1 table spoon full of frozen medicated butter (same for my wife) , the result was a relaxing effect mainly in the body ; day 2 : 2 table spoon full of frozen butter (this time only for me), the result was pretty similar to...
  9. C

    abv butter

    Now I understand why my preparation has mainly sedative efx....the heavy vaporisation produced by the VG has left mainly CBD .... Any way in the link below is not clear what kind of oil to use...they write about beside some useful info regarding THCA\CBDA...
  10. C

    abv butter

    lot of info there ! it is necesaary to decarb the fresh material. Pity : I do not have an oven !! So I v to stick to the abv recipie. By the way I v double the dose yesterdey and same result. Will try with a biger amount today. Cheeers
  11. C

    abv butter

    I v tried my preparation. A small dose to start. Around a table spoon mixed with yogurt. It was mainly a mild body effect. Quite pleasant. Will increase the dose today.
  12. C

    abv butter

    Do you need to previously toast it or the simmering process ll be enough ?
  13. C

    abv butter it ? So 1 gr fresh material and 2 gr butter will do it ?
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    abv butter

  15. C

    abv butter

    ." I have however noticed that THC crystals sink (not float) in water." according to you the THC crystals can be found also in the frozen water if you mix water and butter ?
  16. C

    abv butter

    With pure herb would be quite costly here ! I would love it but it is above my budget... Only butter without water? ...but how much butter u need in order to have 15 gr of ABV submerged into it? Why the double boiler ? Sorry for my stupid questions but abv butter is a totally new subject for me...
  17. C

    abv butter

    Thanks Killick, this is helpful ! I ll give it a try asap and report here...let's see if the heavily toasted vapor genie ABV has still some active medicine inside ! I must say that the taste of the budder so far is not really inviting...probably while using it I ll have to mask it somehow with...
  18. C

    abv butter

    Yes I have frozen whatever was remaining after boiling 4 hours. So Water and butter were still mixed together. Is there any specific handling to do in order to separate the butter from the water ? Now I have lifted the butter and it came off all at once from the water. Still the water (actually...
  19. C

    abv butter

    I have tried to make a milk shake with butter...milk and abv....I was really medicated for almost 12 hours !! I v written a report abt that experience somewere arnd here...really amazing..
  20. C

    abv butter

    The butter is ready but before to give it a try I have a question : after taking it out from the freezer the iced\butter is at the top and at the ice water at the bottom...actually the ice at the bottom is quite dark brown...what should I do ? keep only the butter and put the rest in the trash ...
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