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  1. Euphoria

    AVB or residue causing allergic reaction?

    Haven't vaped in a while as my old one broke but this used to happen to me. I have some history of athletes asthma in the past which disappeared but I've a inkling that once you've ever had asthma, something small about it might remain with you. Anyway I've never being able to pin it down as to...
  2. Euphoria

    Psychedelic trip from vaping, how is this possible?

    I've experienced psychedelic like trips when vaping before too, the strain was Amnesia Haze as well. I become very sensitive to light and can see what I can only describe as an old style movie reel been played in my peripherals. I've often catch something moving out of the corner of my eye, only...
  3. Euphoria

    Any serious beer drinkers in forum?

    Not my pic but prefer sharing a beer with a pic to go with it. Beavertown are soooo nice, I genuinely get excited every time I'm about to open a new can. So tasty! Pure godly is only how I can describe this. 7.2% so it packs a wallop but the most enjoyable kind. Very smooth. Will post more...
  4. Euphoria

    Athlete Vaporists?

    I take ice baths 3-4 times a week now I'm hooked on them. I use them primarily for muscle recovery from the intense running I've been doing lately. Been doing 4x400m's and have really noticed my time improving so will be using them to measure my fitness and speed in the future. My legs are...
  5. Euphoria

    Athlete Vaporists?

    I think this article will be of interest to anyone who follows this thread! I tend to vape for lighter & longer duration activity like a cycle to keep things interesting. I can vape before a...
  6. Euphoria

    Having a rough time taking a break.

    Ha, I posted the health warning when I said about going to the sauna. I think it's obvious to everyone in this day & age to start slow if you're not fit so that's why I didn't mention it :). Flat out for an extremely unfit person could just be a fast paced walk. I'm perplexed as to how...
  7. Euphoria

    Having a rough time taking a break.

    Only read the last 2 pages of the thread so I'll just address a few issues I've found worked for me. If you're worried about melatonin release being hampered by artificial light, just buy a cheap pair of blue-light blocking glasses online. Stick them on around 5-6 hours before sleep if you...
  8. Euphoria

    Anyone mix abv with fresh herb

    I'll put a bit of fresh stuff into a capsule already half filled with fairly brown ABV occasionally. There's definitely a more relaxing / anti anxiolytic feel to it. Even when your ABV is much more brown than green, there's still a lot left I've come to appreciate. Saved up a bit of ABV and...
  9. Euphoria

    Any Online Podcast Listeners/Online Only Radio

    Podcast thread! Few ones I listen to: Joe Rogan Experience - First got on it years ago and it introduced me to the world of podcasts. He still has some great guests on every now and then. Tim Ferris Show - Author of 4 hour work week, 4 hour body etc, he has amazing inspirational guests and...
  10. Euphoria

    Athlete Vaporists?

    Good list I'll definitely have to subscribe to a few of these :) When I first seen your username my first thought was of Bulletproof Radio. I must post this in a podcasts thread if there is one, but you have to download the "No such thing as a fish" podcast. It's ran by the people who run QI...
  11. Euphoria

    Athlete Vaporists?

    Haha I do the same! Sometimes when I'm cycling into the gym vaped and I much prefer listening to a podcast instead of music. Love listening to the likes of Ben Greenfield fitness podcast or the Tim Ferries show, anything where you're listening to inspirational people that are getting shit done...
  12. Euphoria

    Inhaling techniques to relieve stress on lungs.

    I had athlete's asthma when I was younger and my lungs would still be susceptible to drying out quicker than others so I'm very conscious when inhaling. I tend to take short-medium inhales using my lungs (chest is expanding). I used to inhale via the stomach but stopped once I realized it was...
  13. Euphoria

    Anyone else have a really low tolerance?

    I'd consider myself having an extremely low tolerance, I'd like to dish out what weight I must go through weekly but honestly I have no idea. I bought a half oz in like April and still have some lying around. Anyone with low tolerance, how would you classify your body type? Do you find it hard...
  14. Euphoria

    TV Shows - General Discussion

    Sherlock - So good, only 3 episodes per season with each being 90mins long. Waiting for the next season is the biggest torture in television history. Very clever. Utopia - About a secret very powerful group who are trying to make most of the worlds population sterile in order to prevent...
  15. Euphoria

    Athlete Vaporists?

    Anyone else sweat more than usual when they vape and exercise? I really enjoy vaping and cycling now, nothing too hectic though where I'd be going anywhere over 80%. I must try it out at the gym sometime. I tend to pretty all out at the gym so I suspect it mightn't suit the days where I wanna...
  16. Euphoria

    Cool music to vape to, you know the tunes that move you

    Will post a few different genres here that I think work well vaped. I'll start with this, a pure all-rounder that I think anyone will appreciate. The first time I watched him play I put it on repeat at least 10 more times and still wasn't sick of it. Dem guitar skills, goosebumps. (Check 8:13 to...
  17. Euphoria

    Sativa = Horrible Anxiety lately

    Ireland! I don't but I might get one, I suspect you may be right. Considering what's in circulation here is grown by underground ops looking for a quick'd expect them to be growing Indica but nope, sativa everywhere! Got my hands on Northern Lights a few months back and it was the...
  18. Euphoria

    Sativa = Horrible Anxiety lately

    Unfortunately I'm having a similar experience with sativa. Amnesia Haze & other Haze is all that goes around where I'm from. I've concluded it has to be some sort of physical effect mainly with the high THC sativa's. My sinuses will begin to close up, and I even find eating a tad more difficult...
  19. Euphoria

    Studying & Vaping

    I graduated with a degree in Mathematical Sciences and spent near all of my final year vaked. I learned a bit of material and also realized which direction I wanted to go with my thesis whilst stoned (chose something concerning fractals, google it if unaware, at the very least there's some...
  20. Euphoria

    Science and Souls (for geeks and spiritual explorers)

    Sorry if I'm re-posting, went back a bit and couldn't find this posted. Probably my favorite video on the net, lots of you probably know the speech. Absolutely love the music added in. One of the quote that just puts it all in perspective for me: "Think of the rivers of blood, spilled by all...
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