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  1. L

    Ascent Vaporizer - The Ordering, Shipping, & Other Nonsense thread

    What happened Friday night? I also received the email to pre-order between 5-8PM PT but am still unable to do so on the website.
  2. L

    Win an Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci!

    I agree with you on this. Manufacturing costs need to be low so that there is profit to be made while selling these for a reasonable price. It's a great case where simpler is better. Check out my post earlier, I think you'll find it similar to what you are picturing (seperate stems for different...
  3. L

    Win an Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci!

    Firstly I know that this design does not meet the given guidelines, due to the unit operating upside down. As personally I would not be using it for oils, and it would operate fine upside down, I couldn't help but submit this design. I think it's a good solution because it covers all the...
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