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  1. Karuna

    Shit you've invented while stoned:

    That was made in 2011. A year later I bought Arizer EQ.
  2. Karuna

    Ways to reuse old vaporizer whip tubes

    One of these days I'll have to buy a new whip tube because the current one has become too smelly, even after cleaning. So I wonder if you've come up with any creative ways to reuse these old whip tubes? It doesn't have to be related to vaporizing, anything goes.
  3. Karuna

    The ethnobotanical thread

    Vaping lavender (lavandula) and cannabis indica. Great late evening / good night & sweet dreams combination for insomniacs. That lavender makes you extra sleepy.
  4. Karuna

    The ethnobotanical thread

    Oh, I thought he was talking about Salvia officinalis (common sage).
  5. Karuna

    Which herbs should I get rid of?

    None. If you use them responsibly, you'll be OK. Lemon balm is a mild sedative and it has also have been shown to improve mood and mental performance. It's not intoxicating / psychedelic, though.
  6. Karuna

    vaporizing salvia

    @Symolik, wow that must have been a crazy trip. I've read a lot descriptions of salvia d. trips and I must admit that I have second thoughts about taking it. Heavy shit. :)
  7. Karuna

    The ethnobotanical thread

    Hand rubbed sage? Can you elaborate, please. I haven't heard about it before.
  8. Karuna

    Herbs as a sleep aid?

    Try lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), just be careful not to take any other pharmaceutical sedatives along with it.
  9. Karuna

    How to prevent cotton mouth?

    Thanks, @OO for clearing that up. For tonight's vape session I attached my vaporizer's whip to a bong. I'm happy to report that it reduces cotton mouth. Yay! :)
  10. Karuna

    Vaporizers In Popular Culture - Movies, Television, Celebrities

    Raja Ram from Shpongle occasionally uses it — probably Simon Posford (the other member of the band) when they're in the studio.
  11. Karuna

    How to prevent cotton mouth?

    You lick your sweaty balls? [just kidding] Guys, don't drink bottled coconut milk. Buy a whole coconut, it's much better. Drill a hole into it, put a straw in it and voila... plus, you can break the shell later and eat the flesh.
  12. Karuna

    Things that go well with vaporizing

    I like drinking tea and vaping as well. Sometimes I also do a bit of hatha yoga (physical yoga postures and breathing).
  13. Karuna

    How to prevent cotton mouth?

    As much as I like my vaporizer, I don't like the cottonmouth it produces due to dry air. I've tried adding a drop of water inside the bowl, but the effect is short. Fruit teas or smoothies help me the most with cottonmouth.
  14. Karuna

    Vapin stems??

    Great ideas for the use of stems! Since I begun vaping I usually cut them up and mix them with the rest of the bud. The taste is not harsh at all. Very smooth. I like the cooking idea very much. I'm gonna try it.
  15. Karuna

    So how long do you keep your vapor in?

    2 - 3 seconds from the time I stop inhaling completely. If I add inhalation time, then the final time would be something like 15 seconds.
  16. Karuna

    What other herbs have you tried in your vaporizer?

    I have tried the following: - Cannabis (duh!) :) - Sage (Salvia officinalis) - Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) - Green tea (Camellia sinensis) - Marsh mallow (Althaea officinalis) - Lavender (Lavandula) A nice mixture: cannabis, sage, green tea, and a bit of lavender. It produces an interesting...
  17. Karuna

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Yes, that's what I intend to do. Same procedure as with glass pipes. Instead of toothbrush I use small size oil painting brush (the benefit of being an artist, haha).
  18. Karuna

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Cotton filter for elbow filter screen This morning I cleaned the filter screen inside the elbow and noticed how it was all covered with tiny plant particles and clogged from cannabis oils and tar. It was getting harder and harder to clean it, so I took a piece of organic cotton ball (the one...
  19. Karuna

    Daily vape as dangerous as daily smoke?

    All I can say is that I feel much better when I vape, compared to smoking. If I smoke a few days in a row I develop smoker's cough. If I vape every day, I don't cough, I feel good and can breather normally. I'd say that is enough proof to say that vaporizers are definitely healthier then smoking.
  20. Karuna

    Sativa or Indica

    Sativa during the day and Indica in the evening/at night. Indicas make me lazy and unmotivated if I use it during the day, but it's great for relaxation in the evening, an hour or two before going to bed. I disagree that Sativas don't have medicinal properties. They are great for treating...
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