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  1. J

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I don't understand: what stops the herbs from falling into the purple days unit itself? I'm somewhat certain some material has gone down in there- does it just collect up or is it coming up when I suck thru the straw or what? how's it go? p.s. this truly is an experience, thank you over & over...
  2. J

    Purple-Days availability

    Date Ordered: Thursday 25 June, 2009 2:14 PM PST Monday 17 August, 2009 [SHIPPED] #2146 thankoothankoo thankoo thanks
  3. J

    Getting nauseous when not hittin bud

    nosmoke got it on the nose, if yer an anxious person usin' cannabis for anxious reasons yer gonna go back to yer anxious ways when you don't have cannabis in the head
  4. J

    Iolite vaporiser

    look i'm good it's alright the situation has been salvaged and i'm really glad now with my purchase of this, i've had no experience with vaporizing but this is really the most useful method experienced thus far, to use a bong rings foul in my mind. thank you, i wasn't filling it properly was...
  5. J

    Iolite vaporiser

    the gas? (flowing sound at startup / when orange light is on) sputters in a rapid on-off flow when initially starting the unit, is this usual? i was overfilling it initially, when first using it, thought it would take longer than 5seconds max- flow becomes smooth once unit heats up usually..
  6. J

    Purple-Days availability

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