Search results for query: silicone

  1. cannasoor

    E-Nano from Epickai

    OK, I wrote a long-ish text post in response to a question about E-Nano stems in another thread started by @cosmic badger , where I detailed my cleaning technique for standard / adjustable SS-screen E-Nano stems. (This would also work for the long stems, possibly for the XL stems, but not for...
  2. Vapenvy

    E-Nano from Epickai

    ...for other vapes with tapered connection, what I ended up doing was cutting one of the Nano stems into 3 pieces, then using a small piece of silicone tubing I then joined the short nano stem to the other vapes stem, reducer or whatever other parts you have with a tapered joint (if any) and...
  3. R

    E-Nano from Epickai

    My interest in the E-nano is due to it being the closest thing to a desktop Tinymight 2 imo. No other portable will be similar really.
  4. M

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Get a dynavap B+ (M+ on B body) and a torch for when you have no power. Basically no flavor but it extracts quickly and fully. Battery life on portables is generally pretty bad.
  5. Driver 8

    E-Nano from Epickai

    ...I've considered something like a Bluetti could be nice to power a few things during an outage and may still go that route. On a side note, for cleaning stems. I found some nice little silicone stoppers to plug one end of the stem so I can put alcohol in the stem instead of the stem in alcohol.
  6. M

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Whew that is a hefty ship, but I don't know anything about international shipping outside of the states. Hope you can get it up and running again because these little guys have been my families daily drivers since 2021. Amazing little device. I keep talking myself out of buying an XL because I...
  7. Shannock

    E-Nano from Epickai only 18mm bong. I check the website only to see that glass 14mm gongs are out of stock so I think “well it’s worth the ugly looking silicone to get my nanos back up and running” so I add one of those and and pack of screen’s while I’m at it, check out time and I am expecting to have to...

    E-Nano from Epickai

    XL stems do not fit the OG or G2 (mini) nano We switched to Songs with silicone. We have been trying to find a new source for our custom gongs, so far unsuccessfully. Anybody out there in Nano Nation know any sources? Also seeking a manufacturer of custom mesh pads.
  9. CanikUser19

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I have both, but I’ve only used the GonG so far, those have been out for years so that’s what I stocked up on. They recently came out with the SonG and I picked up a couple during the BOGO sale a few weeks ago, might come in handy for travel. They ran sales for 4/20 and in May, so I’m sure they...
  10. M

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Okay, I will take a look at the Epic WPAs. Looks like the 14mm GonG is out of stock right now...guess I'll have to wait. Which do you prefer, the SonG or GonG? I've never used silicone pieces.
  11. Allen Ginsbud

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I fashioned myself an extension cord of sorts, made from silicone-coated wires. I didn’t have to modify the device, and now the cord is long enough for me to use it standing upp. If anyone is interested, the components are similar to the following, plus solder, heat shrink tubing and electric...
  12. magtoons

    E-Nano from Epickai may hear some air coming through the stem and not up through the heater as intended. To help create a better seal, I added a small silicone o-ring around the heater that can rest on the glass. This has had a positive effect and helps to keep the air flowing as it should. Here's a...
  13. Arawfish

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Hopefully one of the makers can make an adapter of some kind. I am also really against using silicone in this regard. I’ll just have to be sure I don’t break my current glass ones if this is what they’ll be using on all models moving forward
  14. Corvoed

    E-Nano from Epickai

    I agree.... Respectfully I am not a huge fan of the SonGs becoming the new standard. I won't really bitch about it, as I'm sure the silicone master adapter is a lot easier to do, and I respect that. But I'm a huge GonG guy, so it's a little disappointing in that regard.
  15. Franco

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Please nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! :cry::cry::cry::cry:

    E-Nano from Epickai

    OG Ice stem vs XL Ice stem. New food safe silicone GONGS (SONGS) will be the new standard for XL and the OG. XL shipping starts next week. Limited edition XLs to start shipping the following week.
  17. Arawfish

    E-Nano from Epickai

    The new ones have a white silicone end and adjustable screen for now. No more glass on glass fitting. I believe what you ordered was for the OG
  18. V

    E-Nano from Epickai

    Thanks a lot, I got one for my Tinymight. I may have to wait If I go with the xl.
  19. howie105

    E-Nano from Epickai

    ...alternative to a glass stem you might consider one of EDs TNT Stems, actually take a look at all his really break resistant wood vape accessories. For those stock all glass stems that come with the Nano consider high temperature silicone o-rings can save some glass sometimes. Welcome to the...

    E-Nano from Epickai well as limited edition XLs with gold anodized tubes, exotic burls and matching Power Pucks. Gongs will only be adjustable using our new silicone 14mm-18mm multi adaptor. Note: similar silicone multi adapters will be available for OG Nano next month. Unfortunately only 110v. A 220v CE...
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