Not sure 100% what it is

Vapor King

Well-Known Member
Just seeing you guys night have a guess or two what you think it might be and how would you use it.

I have a syringe with...???..... I think it THC oil and PG. I'm 90% sure

I though it was straight oil and could use with a nail but it is very runny. it works on a nail just I know that is not what it was intended for......
Vapor King,


Active Member
Where Im at the syringes usually have CO2 oils in em. If you want to see if it is cut with pg then put a small drop of it on something and drop a tiny drop of water on it. If it doesn't mix with the water its straight and if the water makes it split into blobs its cut with something. Learned that handy tidbit while cleaning up one day. Try it.
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