Gear NugSmasher vs Dabpress


Active Member
thank you very much :D i buy my roll bag from aliexpress to , i think its can be worth it for small press like 2 o 3 g but for big press like 10g its impossible closed it and dont loose material


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but for big press like 10g its impossible closed it and dont loose material
I almost always make 40mm x 10g pucks. I usually press to 2750psi on a 40mm puck but have squeezed one to 3500psi for science with no blowout using the Green Dream bags.:tup:
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Microbe minion
Having followed @LesPlenty advise with these bags I completely agree. They really are great! I haven't had a blowout in a long time either also doing 10g pucks.


New Member
Not trying to hijack the thread but I didn't want to start something new when it's probably been asked before. I've ben I've been lurking for a while and finally decided to join the rosin pressing club and I'm about to pull the trigger and get my first rosin press. I have been growing my own medicine for 14 years now so this won't be a passing fad and I would prefer to get a press and not want to upgrade in like 6 months (like I did with my 3d printers, airbrushes, etc.) so if I need to spend some cash I'm ok to do that (just only want to spend what is necessary but don't want to be left wanting either). The press I really wanted is the Dabpress 10 ton or 12 ton with the gauge but that's not available in Canada so I've fallen back to these three. I'm currently planning on pressing flower rosin but I'm thinking about trying to do some bubble or dry sift hash when I harvest later this year. I've also seen some thca isolations done and I'm very intrigued to say the least and I'm not sure how that would go without the gauge and would love to hear some opinions from more experienced people in this scene.

Nugsmasher XP
Pros - biggest plates can do 28g/press, biggest tonnage, a gauge & calculator to get accurate material psi & lifetime warranty
Cons - is like triple the price coming in at $1800 CAD, I've also heard they can be a bit difficult with the warranty.

Dabpress 6 Ton
Pros - decent sized plates, solid 6 tons of pressure, hard only great things about the company, easy to fix if you do get problems after warranty period
Cons - no gauge, only 1 year warranty, can't find a many tutorials out there as I can with others brands

Nugsmasher Mini
Pros - lifetime warranty, pretty portable, an lots of videos & good reviews
Cons - smallest plates by far they say only 3.5 g/press (but I've heard you can do 7 pretty well), only 2 ton jack and no gauge.

Super appreciative of anyone's advice, can't wait to become a more seasoned vet and actually be able to contribute in the future.

I ended up pulling the trigger on the Dabpress 6 ton starter kit on and so far couldn't be happier. I got it 5 days ahead of schedule, was super easy to get going & I've been getting 18% - 22% returns but this is older flower from last fall... all properly dried, cured & stored but not the most premo flower. Getting the best quality vs yield with the 90 but the 120's & 160's will still get put to good use.
Just wanted to say thanks for all the suggestions they really did help me make a great purchase (also a bonus my wife way happier at $529 vs 1799 CAD).
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