Glenn Beck's fake tears - watch this video


Well-Known Member
I am for mixing cultures too and not for the racist viewpoint. I would think especially in the USA most racists are actually for cultural homogenization "Speak English!" etc etc etc. The USA is the king of wiping out cultures through media.

I am speaking of Cultural Homogenization in the pure sociological definition: where the unique cultural traits of groups are slowly eroded and new cultural norms from the dominant culture are adopted. I love meeting new people from different cultures and sharing thoughts and experiences. I would hate for everyone to be the same.

I am not exactly sure what your last paragraph is really saying, but I think we both agree that all people are equal and their culture is equal. By mixing it introduces new perspectives and ideas, I am bringing up that many cultures are slowly losing those cultural ideals that make them so unique. It behooves Multinational Corporations to wipe out culture by destroying things like economies. Example: Why buy the traditional Mexican poncho that has been woven by a certain cultural group when you can import it from China and undercut the Mexican group? The Mexican group can't beat the price and ceases to produce ponchos, people leave the community or find different employment and poof... there goes a major part of their culture.

Regardless... Glen Beck is awful. Bill and Rush at least try to put a front on that they are legit even though they are a joke.


Beck's a master at what he does that's for sure, dressing up nuggets of truth in elaborate notions that he seeks to instill in his audience's mind for an agenda, usually to make more money.

It's always been like that though. As a student of history you begin to realise after a while that shit doesn't really change, from the Roman empire until now, the problems are always the same at base level. The church used to be the only media up until the printing press, they would decide the mood of the populus, the way figures went down in history, and they would do most of it to get more power and riches for themselves.

Having said that, our communicative abilities have improved so much (TV, internet etc.) that people know more now than they ever did. But that also has resulted in a bigger and more powerful media than ever before, the new Church, with a shit load of sects.

I'm rather left wing, but a very realistic one at that (having done so much history it's hard to have too much faith in idealism) which is why it slightly annoys me when people say our freedoms are being taken away more than ever etc etc. I get where you are coming from in the sense that there are more overbearing laws in some areas (i.e. terrorism), more CCTV, more bureaucracy and all the rest of it. But if you look at it realisticly, most of that is necessary to cope with such a massive population, and such a wild technological revolution over the past 100 years. Don't get me wrong there's plenty of politicians and the like I'd like to give a good kick up the arse, but these people and problems will always exist, you just have to do the best you can yourself.

Yes the media and pharmo companies etc. are more big business than ever before, but the world is bigger than ever before, which means what used to be the church and relic-sellers have grown to fit the modern world. But have faith! History has taught me that stuff usually evens itself out over time (encouraging I know... :rolleyes: ) although progress does tend to lag behind repression as we humans have to do things the hard way!

If you look at all the things we can do now compared to the 1950s even it's quite surprising. Homosexuality, abortion, adult-oriented plays and shows, birth control and many other things that some people would consider natural rights now were illegal. You only have to go back 30 years previous before women couldn't vote! I genuinely believe we are freer now as a world than at any point in history. The grass always seems greener when you were younger, or back in some mythical 'golden age'. I guess it depends on your definition of freedom, but we're definitely more advanced and capable than we've ever been, and better at dealing with the tough questions in life.

What I'm trying to say in this ramble is you have to accept some limitations in life in order to gain greater freedoms in the long-run. We might do it kicking and screaming and suffering muppets like Glen Beck along the way, but we as a species do always progress and evolve..... eventually. We have to.


Great post, wilf789. There's a lot of "grass is always greener" looking back at the sixties, as a magical free perpetually culturally orgasmic era and some of it is true (it is very amazing how much happened all at once in all directions from NASA to The Beatles to Muhammad Ali), but some of it is not.

Vapenstien's Monster

Well-Known Member
I enjoy Glenn Beck on my iPhone, when I am constipated, that guy always seems to do the trick. If my iPhone isn't handy, Rush Limbaugh works just about as well.
Vapenstien's Monster,
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